Christ the Pantocrator
The objective of this lesson is to have the students identify that Christ is the ALMIGHTY and Governor. He can do anything and He has the care and compassion for us. Below are some stories as ideas that show that Christ is the Almighty and the compassionate.
What is our goal as Christians? Sometimes we think it is to be a "good person" or to "go to church." But our goal is not these things. But to have a relationship with Christ.
"Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you." And his servant was healed that same hour." (Matthew 8:13)
- John 6
- Mark 6
- Matthew 8
Christ is Almighty and Governor. Throughout the gospels we see this illustrated. However, Christ's power to perform miracles was always done to care and support his creation---us.
Feeding the Multitudes and Calming the Sea
In John 6 and Mark 6, we read about Christ feeding the 5,000 and walking on water. He asks Peter to walk on water with Him and He calms the sea.
In John 6:1-14 and Mark 6:30-44, He sees the multitude following Him for days with nothing to eat. He felt compassion for them. He cared for the multitude because they were hungry. And He being the Almighty is able to provide for over 5,000 people.
In John 6: 15- 20 Mark 6:45-52, He cared for the disciples he let them leave to rest. He sees them struggling at rowing, and comes to them to rescue them. He cared for the disciples when they were suffering.
Our Lord Jesus Christ never makes miracles for Himself or to show off, He always does a miracle for others. He cared for the people; He cared for His disciples; He cared for St. Peter when he was about to drown.
Other examples include healing the Centurion's Servant in Matthew 8:5-14. He cures him with just a word. Also we read about Christ casting out demons and healing diseases in Mark 1:21-34.
Why don't we come to Christ with our needs? He came walking on water to the disciples in the dead of the night -- He is able to come even in the very depth, the worst part, the darkest hour, of our problem or issue or fear, and help.
Examples of needs: problems with friends/parents, feeling scared, feeling lonely, feeling sad, challenged/overwhelmed by school duties.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It is due to our lack of faith that we do not go to Him. Before we make a judgment about whether something works or not, we would need to try.
How can you judge that Christ is not going to do anything for you if you are not going to give Him a try, give Him a good try, and be patient? Don't rely on somebody else's experiences, negative or positive, to make up your mind.
SERVANTS: Try to have the kids arrive at their own conclusions rather than us presenting the kids with the conclusion.
"Prayer offered to God in truth is imperishable. Now and then we may forget what we have prayed about but God preserves our prayer forever." (Archimandrite Sophrony)
Faith is all or none, but we start out by giving Christ a chance in something small and then when He works in our lives these small miracles, it encourages us to trust Him in bigger things. For example, Abraham (called the father of faith) gave a chance to God to bring him to the promised land safely. Then to give him a child in his old age; then to raise his child from the dead even if he offered him (Hebrews 11:17-19).
Something small in our lives: in prayer I entrust Christ with a specific misunderstanding between my parents and myself; and then you go to trusting Christ in prayer with a problem with your friend or a need like having a good friend or passing a test; then you go to a very difficult life situation like a sick family member or big disappointment or failure of any sort.