God Made Us


The objective for this module is to demonstrate God's Goodness. Out of His Goodness, He 1) created us from nothing, 2) formed us in His image and likeness, 3) sustained us, and 4) saved us. Each week will focus on one of these critical points. This week, we want to teach the children that God first made man and woman (Adam and Eve) and that God also made us. We are so special to God**.**


Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)

God has created us all very differently and we are special in our own unique ways. God first created man and woman (Adam and Eve).

Ask the children:

  • Who made us?
  • Do you think we were all created the same or are we different?
  • Has anyone ever told you that you have a unique and special personality?
  • What is your favorite thing about yourself that you value?

Give the children a moment to share their answers.

God made each and every one of us so special and He loves us so much.


Memory Verse - "I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)


Begin by having the children close their eyes and ask them what they see? Encourage the children to answer as they have their eyes closed. Can you imagine this is how the world was, just dark empty and no light whatsoever. There were no trees, no people, no buildings, not even sound or smell? Darkness was everywhere.

That is what it was like before God decided to make our world. God created our whole world in six days. He made something different on each of the six days and then on the seventh day God was finished and rested. Do you remember what the very last thing that God created was? On the sixth day God created the animals, man and woman. God first made Adam, and He breathed life into Adam. Adam was different from the animals God made, as Adam had a soul. Adam having a soul gave him the ability to love, think, and worship. God did not want Adam to be by himself so he put Adam into a deep sleep and created a woman from Adam's rib, Eve. Adam was so happy he was not alone. The creation of mankind was now complete as he had made man and woman. Then "God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." Genesis 1:31

God loves us so much and thought about everything when we were made. He thought about how we would look, what type of person we will be, our talents, our dreams and what we would like or dislike. He knows everything about the way we were made. He knows how many hairs we have on our head, He knows when we are going to be born, when we are going to heaven. He knows every little thing about our body and our life. We are so lucky that God knows us so well and loves us so much.

God made all of us and He loves us so much. He Creates work of art, and nothing less. We are all made by God uniquely, that means each one of us are different, but we are all loved and cared for by God. God first created Adam and then Eve. The Bible tells us this, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". Fearfully does not mean being afraid here but it means that we were made with so much intent and purpose. Wonderfully means we were made with uniqueness. Let's thank God for His love and care

The Bible says that we are God's workmanship. Think about how well our body functions. Nobody has ever been able to recreate a human because of how detailed our bodies are. God made us so different from one another that we even have different fingerprints, not any two people have the same fingerprint. Each one of us is so special to God and were created in an amazing and special way.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

Guide the children to think about their special talents, personalities and interests. God made us all differently so we can complement each other in the world. Imagine if we all had the same exact interests, hobbies and talents, how would we be where we are today.


God made us so special and unique from one another and we should embrace it for the Glory of His name. What can you do with your special talent, interest or personality to glorify and serve God? Can you think of a Saint or someone in the Bible that had a special talent and used it to serve God?

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Have the children fill out the "God Made Me Special" booklet attached. Have the children reflect on their unique qualities and what makes them so special.


Please share this video with the children as it caps the creations of Adam and Eve and also prepares the children for next week's lesson.


Encourage the children throughout the week to memorize the scripture and to also think of their talents and special skills that they can use to serve God. Parents, remind your children that they are so special and have a special purpose in this life that God has already planned out for them.