The Censer and Intercessions
The theme for the liturgy module in first grade is to teach about objects used in the liturgy. As students begin to learn the meaning, usage, and importance of the things we use in the liturgy, they will begin to appreciate it more. For the next 5 weeks, make connections between what you are teaching and what the students see in the church. Constantly point out the importance of it and what purpose it serves us and the church. Take the children into church and show them the items or bring them into the classroom (with the priest's permission of course). The objective of this module is to continue to foster an understanding and love for our church.
The balloon is like the incense smoke coming up from the censer and taking our prayers up to God in heaven.
Do you know what a censer is? (Give children a chance to respond, then show them a picture of a censer or a real censer if you can). Did you know that when Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, three wisemen came and visited Him. One of the kings gave Our Lord Jesus Christ frankincense. This is what we use today in the church when the priest raises incense. This particular gift meant that Our Lord is a high priest.
When a priest raises incense and smoke comes out of the censer, that smoke is carrying our prayers up to God in heaven. Just like this balloon.
Who else helps carry our prayers? The saints When we ask for saints to "intercede on our behalf" or we say "through the intercessions of St...." we are asking for those saints to pray for us in heaven.
Memory Verse
"In every place incense shall be offered to My name" Malachi 1:11
CONTENT (Key Points) - 10 Minutes
In the Old Testament, the Jews offered incense to God. In the New Testament, the angel came to Zachariah while he was raising incense in the Temple to announce the birth of John the Baptist. Today, during services, the priest raises incense in the evening during Vespers, in the morning during Matins, and during the Liturgy. Display the picture of the Censer in the Appendix below
- The censer is usually made of brass or silver in the shape of a cup. This cup is suspended on three chains from which it can be swung during incensing
- These three chains remind us of the Holy Trinity. The Father sent His Son, The Son obeyed the Father, and the Holy Spirit came upon Virgin Mary for the incarnation of the Son.
- Inside the censer, the deacons put a lit charcoal, and then the priest puts incense on the charcoal.
- The censer with the coal burning with fire represents St. Mary carrying our Lord Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Son of God.
- The smoke that rises from the burning of incense is like our prayers rising to God with our needs
- The bishops or the priests are the only ones who can raise incense. (SUSCopts)
- "The rising incense represents pure prayers taken up to the divine throne by angels..." (The Church House of God)
- Censing is a symbol of the presence of God among us
- It symbolizes praying as a sacrifice of love
- Intercession is asking the saints, angles, archangels, etc. to pray on our behalf.
- "Intercession of the saints is merely a prayer on our behalf..." (
- Why should we ask the saints to pray on our behalf if we can directly pray to God? They are in communion with God in heaven. The incense from the censers raise our prayers to God
Help children choose a saint that they will ask to intercede for them this week. Remind them what they should be doing when a priest walks around the Church with a censer (praying, singing the hymn, doing the sign of the cross).
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
Help students make censers. Slide one bell on each pipe cleaner. Each student should get three bells and three pipe cleaners. Connect the pipe cleaners through the bottom of the cone styrofoam and connect to half of the styrofoam ball. Connect the three pipe cleaners at the top and twist them. Children can color the styrofoam if they wish
Have students share their censers with their friends. Tell them to explain each part of the censer to their partner.
- The Church House of God by Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty
- On Intercessions
- What Do You See in the Liturgy by Kristina Kalls-Tartara
Today we talked about censers and intercessions in the church. Talk with your child about the meaning of the censer, what it is and why we use it in the church. Talk about the importance of intercessions and how they can help us.