Altar Utensils and The Eucharist
The objective of the Liturgy/Sacraments Module is to teach children how the liturgy and the sacraments should be implemented in their lives. Every week of this module will focus on the liturgy: Week 1 -- The Censer/Intro to Intercessions, Week 2 -- Holy Bread/who makes them, Week 3 -- Altar Utensils/Eucharist, Week 4 -- Icons/Vestments. Week 5 is the capstone week to review.
Review the previous week's lesson.
Ask the students: "Does anyone know what the word "utensils" means?"
- (Typical answers: fork, knife, spoon). Right, in our everyday lives, we use this word to describe things we use in the kitchen to help us prepare food. But, the word utensil means something completely different when we are talking about the Holy Liturgy and the altar. They represent the items in the altar that are dedicated for, or used ONLY for, the preparation of the Holy Body and Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. This is called "consecration." It means, "dedicated for."
Show kids a picture of a Chalice. Ask, "Do you know what this is?"
- (Some kids might respond with "cup" or "it's used for communion"). Yes This is just one of many utensils, or Liturgical Vessels, on the altar. All the utensils used in the altar are called vessels because they carry the Body and Blood of Christ.
Ask the students: "Do you know what the word "Eucharist" is?
- The word Eucharist means the Holy Communion that we take every Sunday. (Show kids a picture of the last supper.) Where do we see this icon every Sunday? On top of the altar It is of the Last Supper, also known as the Eucharist. Christ was the one who gave the very first communion to the disciples Isn't it so special to know that we have the blessing to be a part of that too every Sunday?"
- Let's learn about some more items that go into the altar, and all about communion, or the Holy Eucharist.
Memory Verse: Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to the disciples and said "Take, eat; this is My Body." Matthew 26:26
CONTENT (Key Points) - 10 Minutes
Altar Utensils
All vessels that are used in the altar are consecrated by a bishop and anointed with the Holy Chrism. Once these vessels are consecrated they are no longer allowed to be touched by anyone but the priest.
The actual altar can be made from metal, stone, or wood. The altar is shaped in a cube resembling the tomb of Jesus Christ.
- The Chalice (Cup) will be made of gold or silver and this holds the wine and water that becomes the blood of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
- The spoon will also be made of gold or silver and has a cross on top of it. This spoon (Misteer) is used in giving the Holy Blood during communion.
- The Paten is a round silver plate that will hold the Oblation (the Lamb). The Orban that was chosen will later become the Body of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The plate represents the manger.
- The Asterisk (the star) is made of two raised and connected metal crossed over one another with a cross on top, to keep the veil from touching the oblation.
The word Eucharist is defined in the dictionary as "The sacrament of Holy Communion; the sacrifice of the Mass; the Lord's Supper."
This is one of the 7 sacraments. In order for you to take Communion you must be Baptized (another Sacrament) in the Coptic Church and given the Holy Chrismation (another Sacrament)
The Lord taught us to partake of the Holy Eucharist on Covenant Thursday (During Holy Week) during the Last Supper. This is when he taught the disciples (priests) all about communion.
"Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it and gave it to the disciples and said "Take, eat; this is My Body" then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."" Matthew 26: 26-28
DISCUSSION - 5 Minutes
The items we use in the liturgy for the Holy Eucharist are very special and it's important to understand what each item is for and why it is used. (Review the items and what the Eucharist means.)
- Why do you think it is important that we learn about Communion? (Communion is what makes us ONE with Christ.)
- Why do you think the utensils, or vessels, we use on the altar have to be consecrated? (Because we are talking about the most precious thing in the world. The Body and Blood of Christ---everything that touches it must be blessed. When we understand how precious it is, we can learn how special it is that we get to partake in it.)
If you're able to show the children the physical altar utensils that would be ideal. Hold up each one and talk about it and what it is for. Then, quiz the students by reviewing the items and having them say the name and use for each one. If it is impossible to get the physical utensils, show pictures.
Activity Page "Identify the Holy Vessels" (see attachments below)
Today, we talked about altar utensils and the Eucharist. We talked about the shape of the altar (cube), the items we use in the liturgy (chalice, spoon, paten, and asterisk), and what the Holy Eucharist is. Review these items with your children. At home, have them draw and label the utensils as they remember them.