Morality Module
The objective for this module is to introduce to the child foundational Christian values. For first graders, the best way to teach morals is through their imagination. Bible stories are a great way for them to continue to ponder the morality that is being taught in that story. Try not to impose your own teaching, but instead let them respond to the Bible story and let the Holy Spirit work inside to teach them and guide them along.
Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.
- Week 1: The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- Week 2: Respecting Others: The story of Elisha
- Week 3: The Parable of the Good Shepherd: Characteristics we can Imitate
- Week 4: Forgiveness
- Capstone Activity - Classroom respect game
It would be best to read the story from the Bible to the children, so that they hear it the way Jesus told it. Once you are done reading the Bible, ask the children what they heard. You may read it to them a few times if they request it. They should know that Jesus Himself told the parable of the Good Shepherd.
The children should know that they have the Holy Spirit inside of them since they were baptized and that the Holy Spirit is there to guide them. We can remind them of their identity as a child of God (the theme for Kindergarten).
The children should know that although they are young, their actions in the church, families, and schools are important. Doing the right thing when no one is looking is what being a Christian is about in our society, even when you are a kid.
We can think about these things during the Kiss of Peace. "Greet one another with a Holy kiss." We are showing that we Love our neighbor through this action. Practice doing the kiss of peace in class together.