The Golden Rule


The objective for the Morality module is to have the children focus on foundational Christian values and how to incorporate them into their lives. In first grade, the children will discuss the Golden Rule, respect for everyone, the parable of the Good Shepherd, and forgiveness. This week's objective is to discuss the meaning of the Golden Rule and simple ways to practice it.


Before the students arrive, hide something golden in the classroom. Tell the students there is a golden treasure somewhere in the class and it is their job to find it. If you have a small group, play a few rounds. When the first student finds it, allow that student to hide it while the others close their eyes.

Ask the students why a golden treasure is better than silver or iron. Explain to the first graders that gold is a valuable metal, so when something is gold it is regarded highly. Introduce the Golden Rule as a commandment from our Lord Jesus Christ. The Golden Rule is the memory verse below, Matthew 7:12.


Memory Verse - "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them." (Matthew 7:12)


Ask the students why they think we call this commandment the Golden Rule, why not silver or iron? Again, encourage similar answers towards it being more valuable and worth more attention.

In the Lord's Prayer, we pray "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." This is another way of using the Golden Rule We are asking God to forgive us, just like we forgive others who do wrong to us.

If we want to be treated with kindness and forgiveness, then how should we treat other people? With kindness and forgiveness, too

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 15 Minutes

Give the children these examples and ask them to describe what they would do next. Try to allow each child to participate at least once, depending on the size of your class. In italics are possible answers that you can steer the children towards. Always encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas.

  • A new kid joins your class. How do you use the Golden Rule to make them feel welcome? Include them in games at recess, make sure they know their way around.
  • Someone is saying something rude about one of your classmates. How can we use the Golden Rule? Ask them gently to stop, remind them that we wouldn't want anyone to say that about us.
  • Someone is not good at the game you are playing at recess. How can we use the Golden Rule? Be patient with them, help them practice to get better.
  • There is one cookie left in the pantry, but both you and your brother want it. How can we use the Golden Rule? Share the cookie Or find another snack that you can both share.
  • Someone cut in front of you in line. How can we use the Golden Rule? Use your words to remind them gently that you were there first, we never use our hands to push or shove. Always ask an adult, if your words are not getting through.
  • Your friend gets mad at you and calls you a mean name. How can we use the Golden Rule? It's always better to walk away and calm down, instead of answering anger with more anger. Come back to that friend when you're both ready to talk calmly.


Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Golden Rule to teach us how to treat each other. We know that God is love and always treats us with love and forgiveness. As children of God, we should always try our best to treat everyone with the love of God and forgiveness.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Option 1: Give each first grader a blank piece of paper and some crayons and pencils. Have each child draw a picture of ways they can be a good neighbor or ways they have seen others be a good neighbor. They can use one of the examples from the discussion, a saint story, or something that has happened to them. Encourage the children to share what they've drawn about the Golden Rule.

Have the children take it home, or hang their drawing in the classroom with the words "Golden Rule" above it.

Option 2: Print the coloring page and allow the children to color their page. Have the first graders take it home as a reminder of the memory verse.



Reinforce the Golden Rule at home with your child this week. Encourage your child to be an example of God's love to everyone in their community. Especially during conflicts at home with siblings or with classmates at school, remind your child that by treating others the way they want to be treated, they will please God.