Calming the Storms
The objective of this module is for students to learn about the love and power of the Lord Jesus Christ through His miracles. This lesson will focus on understanding how Christ our God has power over nature and has power over the storms/problems in our lives.
We saw in the past three weeks that Christ has power over sicknesses, death, blesses the little and is with us in every work we do. Today we will learn that Christ is with us through our problems and difficulties.
"Worry Weighs you Down" -- Soda Example:
Materials: 1 regular coke can, 1 diet coke can, 2 vases filled ¾ way with water, a Ziploc bag ½ full of sugar
- Worry is a very heavy thing to deal with And to deal with it alone is even harder. Imagine you have a problem so big in your head, that it takes all your thoughts throughout your day.
- Do you think if you were focused on a problem in your life, then you went out with your family, that you would fully enjoy your time with them? No probably not, because your mind will always think of your problem.
- Worrying about problems will always make you feel heavy.
- Let me show you something. Imagine this can of soda (using the regular soda) is you (drop it in the water). It will sink, it is heavy.
- Let's try this can of soda (this time, using the diet) is you (drop it in the water). It will float.
- What do you think is the difference between these two people or cans?
- (Show them the sugar bag). The difference is sugar. Sugar here represents the worry in our life. It can make you heavy, it can make you not fully happy, because you always have your mind on something instead of the fun, nice things in front of you.
- Don't let worry weigh you down
Memory Verses
"It is I, do not be afraid" Mark 6:50
"Why are you fearful? O you of little faith?" Matthew 8:23-27
Jesus calms the storm: Luke 8:22-25
Read the story of Jesus calming the storm (see references above).
Review each part section by section:
- Jesus got into the boat with them.
- Even though He was in the boat with them, the storm still came and the water was about to sink the boat, but Jesus was asleep the whole time.
- The disciples were afraid. They tried to fight the storm and to save the boat from sinking
- They were almost sinking before they went to Jesus and woke Him
- They asked Him "do you not care that we are about to sink? Jesus responded, "why are you fearful, O you of little faith? (Matthew 8:26)
- He commanded the wind and the sea and said "Peace, be still" Mark 4:40
- They marveled at His authority over the wind and the sea
- When we try to fix a problem on our own, and rely on our own understanding, we never seem to fully solve our problem. But when we pray and rely on Jesus to help us, everything always works in our favor and for our own good.
- So whenever we have a problem, we have to not get scared or worried right away, but instead stop what we are doing and stop our emotions and just pray.
- His presence does not always stop the problem, but He promises to be with us, which is more than we need or deserve.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes
- What does each part of this story represent?
- Boat = our life
- When we pray, read the Bible, confess and take communion, Christ is with us in our daily life
- Storm = any problem or difficulty we face: example a bully at school, problem with a friend, someone loses their job, financial hardship, a difficult class or a tough teacher etc...
- Boat = our life
- What was His question to them and to us in every difficult situation? "where is your faith"
- Do we believe in our hearts truly that He can fix any problem or calm the storm in our life?
His presence does not prevent the problems, but He promises to be with us in them if we trust and ask Him.
LIFE APPLICATION (Action) - 5 Minutes
Ask the students: "Think of a problem that you or your family are dealing with. How have you tried to fix it? Was prayer something you did as part of the solution?"
Let's practice listing our problems and difficult situations in our prayers every day/night and asking God for help.
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
"Boat" Craft
- Materials - (1 dark blue paper, 1 light blue paper, 1 brown paper and 1 color of choice paper, scissors, tape, stapler and 1 straw. If these are not options for the kids, they can color blank pieces of paper to match this with crayons) -- SEE ATTACHED PICTURE
- Have the kids take the light blue paper and cut horizontally in a "wavy cut" pattern
- Have them line up the light blue paper to the bottom of the dark blue paper
- Staple JUST THE SIDES of the papers to each other
- Cut the brown paper into a shape of a medium-sized boat
- Cut any color construction paper into a triangle for the boat's flag
- Tape the boat and the triangle onto the straw like the picture
- Insert the boat into the "water scene" and move the boat around.
Orthodox Study Bible
- Jesus Calms the Storm Video - Saddleback Kids
Share with your child a problem or difficulty that you are facing (could be a small thing) and pray with your child about it. Ask your child to share with you and pray together.
Encourage your child to ask God for help in every problem, small or big.