The objective for this module is to learn and understand Jesus' journey was recorded by the Disciples throughout the gospels. From healing the sick, raising the dead, multiplying food to feed a nation, and calming a storm each miracle is associated with specific teachings that reflect the message of Jesus. Through these miracles, we are not only able to see that Jesus had the ability to heal and do wondrous things, but also how God is still at work in our lives today.
Review Game
- Have the group split in two groups
- Whichever side raises their hands first, can answer
- If it is wrong, the other team gets a shot at answering the question
- The losing team has to do something silly picked by the winning team from the following (the winning team gets to pick):
- Do 15 jumping jacks, followed by 15 push ups
- Run around their room making weird faces, go hug their family one by one without explaining to their family why they are doing it,etc.
- What are some examples of how Jesus healed people?
- He let the blind man see, the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, healed the lepers
- God is the physician of our souls and bodies? (TRUE/FALSE)
- True
- What did the woman who was bleeding want to do just to be healed by Jesus?
- She wanted to just touch His clothes
- What did God do to save us from our sins?
- He sent His Son, Jesus to us on this Earth
- What did Jesus do to the daughter of Jairus and for Lazararus?
- He raised them rom the dead
- Why does God put us through these hard times?
- Sometimes He puts us through hard times so we can be closer to Him when we pray, we can learn from God, and sometimes God uses us to turn non-believers to Him
- What does it mean to have "compassion"?
- Trying to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they feel. Also trying to help that person when you can.
- How did Jesus show compassion to the 5000 people that were hungry?
- He blessed a small amount of food, and it provided food for everyone including having extra food
- How many fish and bread did God feed everyone with?
- 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
- What were the disciples afraid of?
- The disciples were afraid of the big storm that would tip over the boat
- What did Jesus do?
- He calmed the wind and the storm
- What does the boat and the storm represent?
- The boat is our life
- The storm is our problems and worries