St. Maurice
The objective of the Saints Module in first grade is to teach students about saints that were heroic. While all saints were heroic in nature, these specific saints demonstrate particular bravery through their trials and tribulations.
Show the icon of St. Maurice (please see Appendix below). Do not tell students what the icon is just yet. Ask them what they see, if anyone knows which saint it is, why there are so many men, etc. Have this lead into the story of St. Maurice.
Memory Verse - Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven (Matthew 5:12)
LIFE OF THE SAINT - 15 Minutes
Emperors Maximian of the Western Roman Empire and Diocletian of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Theban Legion which was composed of 6600 men and soldiers were dispatched to modern day France where a revolt was underway. The soldiers were mostly Christian and God fearing. After the revolt was quelled, Emperor Maximian ordered the whole army to offer sacrifices to the Roman gods for success of the mission.This included killing Christians. The Theban Legion refused to do this and camped elsewhere. When Maximian heard the soldiers didn't comply, he ordered every tenth soldier to be killed, but they still refused. Maximian grew angrier and angrier and ordered the tenth soldier to be killed a second time. The captain of the Theban Legion was St. Maurice. He helped keep the soldiers strong in their faith and reminded his soldiers of the ones who had been martyred and to keep strong in faith. He encouraged them to keep their baptismal vow (the promise one makes at his baptism to renounce Satan and worship only God). The Theban Legion sent a message to the Emperor:
"Emperor, we are your soldiers but also the soldiers of the true God. We owe you military service and obedience, but we cannot renounce Him who is our Creator and Master, and also yours even though you reject Him. In all things which are not against His law, we most willingly obey you, as we have done hitherto. We readily oppose your enemies whoever they are, but we cannot stain our hands with the blood of innocent people (Christians). We have taken an oath to God before we took one to you, you cannot place any confidence in our second oath if we violate the other (the first). You commanded us to execute Christians, behold we are such. We confess God the Father the creator of all things and His Son Jesus Christ, God. We have seen our comrades slain with the sword, we do not weep for them but rather rejoice at their honour. Neither this, nor any other provocation have tempted us to revolt. Behold, we have arms in our hands, but we do not resist, because we would rather die innocent than live by any sin.''
After this message, Maximian ordered all the soldiers to be killed. Many miracles happened as a result of this.
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
See attached coloring sheets below. Have students color the icon of St. Maurice and his shield.
Story of St. Maurice and the Theban Legion
This week we talked about the courage of St. Maurice. Review the story with them and have them show you the page they filled out about St. Maurice. Talk about the importance of standing up for those around us.