

The objective of this lesson is to help the students understand the story of our Lord's baptism and its importance as the manifestation of the Holy Trinity.


Option 1

Ask the students if they have ever seen a river before. Where was it? How big was it? Were you able to swim in it? (Servant may display pictures of a river). Today's lesson takes place in a river called the Jordan River. Ask the students what they think happened in the river. Transition to the story below.

Option 2

Materials: tarnished pennies, vinegar, salt

Before class, make a mixture of vinegar and salt. Show or pass around the tarnished pennies (students may sanitize their hands after touching the pennies). Ask the students, "what do they look like? Do these look very clean to you? Why do they look tarnished or dirty?"

Next, use the vinegar mixture to clean the pennies, and then show the students how clean and shiny they are after being washed. Explain to the students that we are like the pennies, and that baptism cleanses us from all of our sins, so we are able to join the Body of Christ to be part of God's family. Today, we will talk about Jesus and when He was baptized.


Memory Verse - "And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God." (John 1:34)


Servants may use the icon attached below to demonstrate the story.

St. John the Baptist was a prophet who prepared the way for Jesus by asking everyone to repent so that they would be ready to receive Jesus. John the Baptist was the son of Elizabeth, and was the Second Cousin of Jesus. Many people repented, confessed their sins and John baptized them in the River Jordan.

When Jesus became 30 years old, He went to the desert and asked John to baptize Him. John did not understand why Jesus wanted to be baptized since He is perfect and did not have any sins. John wanted Jesus to baptize him instead Jesus insisted, so John obeyed and took Jesus into the Jordan River and baptized him.

Explain to the students that Jesus did not need to be baptized, the way we do since He is without sin, but that He was baptized to set an example for us and because he was humble. His baptism allowed us to be baptized as well, so that we could be a part of the Body of Christ.

While Jesus was coming up from the water, the heavens opened suddenly, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove. The voice of God the Father came from heaven and said, "This is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I am well pleased."

John and everyone around realized that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God Who came to save us.

In our church, we call this feast the Epiphany or Theophany and we celebrate it every year on January 19 (Tubah 11).

The word Epiphany means "revelation" which means to show or explain something. The word "Theophany" means "manifestation of God." During this feast, we were able to see all of the Holy Trinity at the same time God the Father is present in the voice from heaven, God the Son was present in person in the water, and the Holy Spirit was present as a dove

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

  • Who baptized Jesus? (John the Baptist)
  • Where was Jesus baptized? (In the Jordan River)
  • Why did Jesus get baptized? (To set an example and because of humility)
  • What appeared as Jesus came out of the water? (Dove)
  • What did the voice from heaven say as Jesus came out of the water? (This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased)
  • What do we call this feast in our church? (Epiphany (revelation) or Theophany (manifestation of God)
  • How did we see the Holy Trinity at the same time during Theophany? (Father's voice, Son in the water, Holy Spirit as a Dove)


Jesus came to earth out of His love for us and wanted to set an example for us. He wanted to do everything He could to help us become part of His Family. After we are baptized, we are part of the Body of Christ and we have to follow God's word and obey His will. We must love Jesus, just as He loved us.

ACTIVITY - 15 Minutes


Option 1 - Coloring Page

The students may color the sheet (attached below).

Option 2 - Skit

In groups of 4, have the students act out the story of Epiphany.

  • Student 1 - Jesus
  • Student 2 - John the Baptist
  • Student 3 - Holds up paper dove (Holy Spirit)
  • Student 4 - Voice from heaven (God the Father)

Option 3 - Craft

See attached Craft sheet for directions and printables.

Premade alternatives:



Talk about your children's baptism. Share with them the date they were baptized, and what their baptism name was.