The objective of the service module is to teach the children how to implement Christian service in our lives. In first grade, we are focusing on 4 virtues: humility, honesty, patience, and courage. Children will understand that practicing these virtues will reflect their Christian character and be a light to others. This is to begin to teach the students about some of the most important virtues they can instill in their future service.
In this lesson, children will understand that humility is a virtue that teaches them how to put others before themselves, and to think of others as partners rather than rivals.
Bring a semi-precious gemstone or a ring with a large stone and cover it in mud and show it to the children, then ask them what they see. Then bring a bowl with water and wash the stone/ring and show it to them after it's been washed. Point out what a difference there was after washing the stone. Explain that the stone covered in mud is like when we have bad characteristics (virtues), but when you wash the stone it shines like the good characteristics (virtues). Explain that it is up to us to keep the mud away so that our virtues can shine.
Memory Verse
"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up" (James 4:10)
Luke 18:9-14: Jesus tells the story of the tax collector and the Pharisee
- Did you see what we did a few minutes ago with the stone/ring?
- We used that as an example to help us understand what happens when we don't behave like Christians. Our doesn't shine through
- Our Lord Jesus Christ used stories as examples to teach the people around him. This makes it easier for us to understand Him when we read it in the Bible.
- One day Jesus wanted to teach the people and His disciples about how to be humble.
- So, He told them a story about two different people going to church; one was a tax collector. Usually, tax collectors were not considered honest people. They took more money than they were supposed to from others. The second person was a pharisee. This person is someone who knows all the ten commandments and all the rules in the Bible.
- Jesus went on to tell those listening to him about what happened when the pharisee and the tax collector entered the church. The Pharisee began praying to God and saying "thank you God, because I am not like the tax collector sitting behind me who cheats and takes people's money wrongly, I am better than him because I don't do these sins."
- Then Jesus told the people about the tax collector's prayer. The tax collector had his head down and he was beating on his chest saying "Please God be merciful to me because I am a sinner."
- Jesus then said this tax collector was accepted by God because he HUMBLED himself.
- At the end Jesus Christ told the crowd that anyone putting themselves as higher or better than others on earth will be humbled or put in a low spot in heaven. But those that are humble on earth will be very high in God's eyes.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes
How did the tax collector's prayer show humility? Why do you think it was important that Christ tell others of this story?
Ask the children to tell real situations of when we might be tempted to brag or feel better than someone else (win a game, when you get a good grade on a test, when you are complimented and you tell others)
LIFE APPLICATION (Action) - 5 Minutes
What can we do to make sure that we stay humble? (helping others in need, serving the church, not bragging about getting a good grade).
Pray to God to help you become more humble. Ask children to share one way they plan on being humble this week. This may include apologizing to someone if you did something wrong, helping someone in need, or restraining yourself from bragging about something.
Start this week by serving your brothers, sisters and parents. Remember, that God rewards those who serve from their heart and do good things without being asked.
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
Option 1:
Set up a scenario where one classmate calls on another classmate and says that they won first prize in a competition. Ask the children how they should respond to this.
There are several answers: they can be a) Thanks, b) I like the way my runner up (friend's name) competed as well he was very close, c) I don't think I could have won without the help of my teacher.
Option 2:
Materials needed: Index Cards, Markers/Pencils
Give each student two index cards. Help them write "Tax collector" on one, and "Pharisee" on the other. Read the list below to the students and have them hold up the correct card, based on who the statement applies to.
- This person said: God be merciful to me, a sinner. (Tax Collector)
- He would not lift his eyes to heaven (Pharisee)
- He beat his chest (Tax Collector)
- This person said: Thank you God that I am not like this man (Pharisee)
- He was PROUD (Pharisee)
- He was Humble (Tax Collector)
Note: Servant may add other items to extend the game as needed.
Review with your child the story of the tax collector and the Pharisee and help them define the word "humble."
Point out a natural example of when your child is being humble or should be humble throughout the week. If he/she is struggling with something, point out that the struggle helps us become humble and we should keep practicing.