Faith Module
The objective of this module is to understand the various symbols of the story of our salvation. Each lesson in this module teaches our children how to identify the symbols of salvation in the Old Testament and how Christ fulfilled each one.
Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.
- Week 1: The Symbols of Salvation in the Story of Noah and the Ark and how Christ was seen in each symbol.
- Week 2: The Symbols of Salvation in the story of the Old Testament patriarchs: Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and how Christ is seen in each one of them.
- Week 3: The Symbols of Salvation in the story of the Exodus from the Egyptians to the Promised Land and how it relates to our journey from life in the world to entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Week 4: How Christ fulfills the Law and how He needed to fulfill it because the Law was not enough.
- Capstone Activity
The children will learn how to recognize symbols of Jesus in the stories of the Old Testament and how each one was fulfilled by Christ.
The children will understand that we, as God's image, can reflect Christ and become closer to Him, just as the symbols reflect Christ if we live as Christ lived.
The children will be able to understand how to see Christ in everyday situations and how they can reflect Christ in themselves to be a light to others.
The children will understand that our Church is filled with rich symbolism that all point to Christ and that each symbol is a big part in God's plan for our salvation.