Symbols of Salvation: Noah


The objective of this module is to understand the various symbols of the story of our salvation. Each lesson in this module teaches our children how to identify the symbols of salvation in the Old Testament and how Christ fulfilled each one. In this lesson, we will understand the symbols of salvation in the story of how Noah and his family obeyed God in building an ark


Grab a green leaf and a brown leaf or get pictures of both. Ask the children which leaf they think looks more healthy. Ask them why they think it's the green one. Explain to them that they just saw a "symbol" of health and life and state again why the green leaf is a symbol of life.

Going off of this example, introduce to the children that each bible story and its characters, objects, or animals can all be a symbol pointing to our salvation in Christ. Then introduce the story of Noah and the Ark. The children should already be familiar with the story, so a summary of it would suffice. A short video of the story of Noah and the Ark can be played at this time.

Once the story is remembered by the children, ask them which characters, objects, or animals are present in the story. The ones to focus on and to formally introduce are:

  1. The Flood
  2. The Ark
  3. The Wood of the Ark
  4. The Raven and the Dove
  5. Noah


"If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him." John 14:23

Please reinforce this verse at the end of the lesson. What happens when we listen to God? How does this tie into the story of Noah? What happened when Noah listened to God?


Begin explaining to them what each of the symbols above mean to us in the story of our salvation. How does each one relate to God's plan for our salvation:

Noah: a symbol of Christ Himself

  • "Noah was a just man, perfect in his generation" Genesis 6:9
  • Just as Noah saves his family by leading them into the ark (which is Church), so also Jesus saves us by allowing us to be a part of His body (the Church)
  • Noah saves his family from death, so also Jesus saves us from the death of sin by dying on the cross for us (the wood of the ark is also a symbol)

The Ark: a symbol of the Church (the body of Christ)

  • Just as the ark saved those who were inside of it from the outside world of death and evil, so also the Church (the body of Christ; those who are in Christ) saves us from the world of this day that entails sin and wickedness
  • Mention how some Churches are built in the shape of an Ark (see article on church structure in Servant Resources below)

The Wood of the Ark: a symbol of the Cross

  • The means of the ark was wood, which delivers Noah and his family from death of the flood, so also the cross of our Lord Jesus delivers us from all the power of the enemy

The Flood: a symbol of Baptism

  • Just as the water of flood was meant to destroy the wickedness of the world and to create a new one, so also Baptism, through water and Spirit, destroys the wickedness of the fallen nature of humanity and takes off the old man and puts on the new one
  • The water of the flood cleansed the world from evil, so also Baptism cleanses us from the evil of sin by giving us a new nature

The Raven (sin) and the Dove (the Holy Spirit)

  • The raven was sent out but never returned, so also our sins should be. We should cast off sin and allow it to never return to us
  • The dove was sent out and came back bearing a branch (life and peace). The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Just as the dove brought back good news of land and life and peace after the flood, so also the Holy Spirit instills in us the Gospel and the love, life, and peace of Christ.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

Review with them what a symbol is. Then review what each symbol is in the story of Noah and the Ark and how each reflects a part in the story of our salvation. Ask them if they could think of any symbols themselves. Also ask why do they think we need symbols? Refer back to the lesson reinforcing how a symbol allows us to understand what God wants us to know.


Review the memory verse with them. Ask them what they think happens when they listen to God. Ask them what they would do if they were Noah. Would they also listen to God, no matter how hard the task may be? Redirect them to everyday challenges and how listening to what Jesus told us in the Bible can help and protect us, just like Noah.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

In this activity, the kids will make Noah's ark on a popsicle stick. Have the kids write down on the ark what they listen to God about (i.e. listening to parents, being respectful and kind, loving etc.)

All supplies are listed in the activity sheet.

Floating Ark Puppet



Have parents reinforce listening to God and always trusting in Him no matter what. Review the memory verse with them, telling them constantly that God loves those who obey Him, and that He will always be with them if they listen to Him.