Holy Communion
The objective for this grade is to learn about the sacraments and how they impact our life as Christians in this world. We are seeking to teach children how the liturgy and the sacraments should be implemented in their lives so they understand why we carry out this ritual on a regular basis. This week's lesson will focus on Holy Communion.
REVIEW - 5 Minutes
Review the previous sacraments covered.
Imagine climbing a huge mountain. What will you see when you get to the top? (give students a chance to answer: everything, beautiful view, etc.). When you get to the very top of the mountain, you see a beautiful view and you may feel at peace or calm. It's like a gift you receive after you climb
Communion is the same way. Liturgy is like a big mountain, and communion is the very top of it. When we get the blessing and gift of taking part in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, we are filled with happiness and peace because it unites us with Him. This is a happiness we can't get anywhere else
Ask the students:
- When do we take Communion?
- Can we eat or drink before Communion?
- Are we just eating Orban? And drinking wine? I thought we had to be 21 and over to drink wine.
Memory Verse
"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him"
John 6:56
CONTENT (Key Points) - 25 Minutes
How Did Communion Start?
- Foreshadowing of Communion was the Manna coming from Heaven (Exodus 16)
- Communion was established by God in the beginning. "The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden" (Gen 2:9). However, Adam and Eve did not have an opportunity to eat of the tree because of their disobedience.
Facts About Communion:
- We receive the sacrament of Communion right after we receive the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation
- Communion is the ultimate union with God
- Christ further established and solidified the Sacrament of Communion at the night of the Last Supper. (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19). It was on the evening when Jesus was arrested by the Roman soldiers. That night Jesus had His last supper with His disciples and then took a loaf of bread and a cup of wine on the dining table and told His disciples, " 'Take, eat; this is My body.' Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.'" (Matthew 26: 26-28).
- When Jesus said "this is my body & blood" it became so. But, why? Because He is God while living on earth and when He says something then it happens, just like creation (when He created the Universe) He said "Let there be..." and it happened.
- After that, the disciples and the early fathers put together the liturgy, which is a set of prayers to ask the Holy Spirit to convert the bread and wine into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Every liturgy we offer a very small thing to Christ, a loaf of bread and a cup of wine, and in return, He provides something priceless and infinite through the Holy Spirit.
Why Do We Take Communion?
- The Logos, or Word of God, became flesh, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from our sins and re-establish for us our union with Him just as we were in the Garden of Eden before our fall.
- Christ spoke to the Jews about Him being the True Bread of Life (the day after feeding of the 5000) and that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood as it is the food which endures to everlasting life (John 6). This gives us the promise of eternal life.
- "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you." (John 6:53)
- Communion is given for the remission of our sins
- Saint John Chrysostom says, "How many now say, 'I wish to see His form, His clothes, His feet'? Lo You see Him, you touch Him, you eat Him... He gives Himself to you not only to see, but also to touch and eat and receive within you... He mixed Himself with us, not by faith only, but also indeed makes us His body... That which the angels tremble when they behold, and dare not so much as look up at without awe on account of the brightness that comes thence, with this we are fed, with this we are commingled, and we are made one body and one flesh with Christ"
- Communion gives us immunity against sin
What Do We Need to Do to Prepare for Communion?
- We should be confessing regularly with our priest
- We shouldn't be mad at anyone when we are going to go take Communion. You must forgive anyone and everyone
- We should fast for nine hours before taking Communion
- No food or drinks
- No gum before and after Communion
Why is it so important to take Holy Communion?
- The body and the blood of Jesus Christ washes all sins for the Christians who repented and confessed.
- It reminds us we are one in Christ when we take His body & blood
Make an appointment with Abouna to confess any sins you might have done. Go to church early and participate in the liturgy by singing the hymns and taking Holy communion at the end. A feeling of being united with God, what an awesome feeling
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes
Ask students to reiterate the importance of Communion and one new fact they have learned today.
Game: Compile a list of review questions. Ask children to stand up if the answer is true and sit if false.
ACTIVITY (Action) - 10 Minutes
Have the students memorize some or all of the Prayer before Communion.
Product: Holy Mysteries Cards Set --- Christian Education Department
Read Exodus 16; Matthew 26:26 (Servant's preparation)
Today, we discussed the sacrament of Communion. We talked about when Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of communion in the Bible and most importantly why we take communion and the importance of taking communion. Discuss these points with your child again and how to prepare for Communion (fasting, fasting the morning of liturgy, confessing, etc.)