Morality Module


The objective for this grade is to emphasize the importance of growing Godly friendships. First we should use Jesus as the model friendship in our lives, as He loves us unconditionally. Second, we should choose to be a good friend to others by putting the needs of our friend ahead of our own, celebrate them when good things happen to them, and be loyal to them when times are tough. We should love them without jealousy and be thankful for the blessings in our own lives. Third, we should be thoughtful and prayerful when we choose our friendships, making sure that they will positively impact our relationship with God. To evaluate our friends, use the tool "A true friend C-A-R-E-S." C- Challenges you, A- Accepts you, R- Respects you, E- Encourages you, S- Sticks with you. Helping the children be intentional and thoughtful about their friendships at a young age can have lifelong benefits.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

  • Week 1: Choosing Your Friends: The friendship of Jonathan and David
  • Week 2: Helping Others: Jesus heals the Paralyzed Man brought to Him by his friends
  • Week 3: Jealousy: The story of Cain and Abel
  • Week 4: Sibling Relationships: Contrasting different Biblical sibling relationships
  • Capstone Activity - Morality: Relationships between Friends and Family Kahoot Review



One of the main things that sets our friends apart from other people is time. Friends are people with whom we spend time with and so if Jesus is our best friend, we need to keep that friendship active, just like we do with other friendships. We can do this by talking with Him and reading his Word. Reinforce the old saying, "One week without Jesus makes one weak." Encourage the children to spend devotional time with Jesus every week. Also, the Bible stories in this module are excellent examples of positive vs. negative friendships and the outcomes of these relationships.

Finally, reinforce the memory verses during this module that focus on key characteristics of friendship:

  • "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (Proverbs 17:17)
  • "I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)
  • "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy." (1 Corinthians 13:4)
  • "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)


The best way to encourage children to choose positive friendships is to start by introducing them to the model of friendship, Jesus. Jesus knows everyone's name, is a friend to sinners, is always there to listen, and loves everyone for who they are. He wants to be our unconditional, lifelong friend which makes Him the best friend anyone could ever have Kids long to have a best friend and if they understand that Jesus wants to be that friend, He will give them the ability to evaluate and choose good friendships and to be the type of friend others want as a companion.


Choosing a good friend is an invaluable skill for children to possess because few things will shape their future more significantly. The friends they choose can dramatically influence their character, their choices, their interests, their conduct, and the direction of their lives. In this module, the goal is to guide the children to become thoughtful and intentional about their friendship choices. Help them understand that godly friendships are based on selflessness and genuine love and concern for another person's well-being. When they start by being good friends to others, they end up having good friends in return. This also translates into being a good sibling by treating their brothers and sisters with love, kindness, and forgiveness, especially when they feel wronged or frustrated.


Friends can either draw us closer to God or pull us away from Him. Also, we have the ability to draw our friends closer to the Lord or farther away. We should surround ourselves with Godly friends who will positively impact our walk with God. At church and in Sunday school, we can find friends who love God the same way and you can help each other strengthen that relationship with God. These friends can G-R-O-W by: G- Going to church, R- Reading the Bible, O- Obeying God, W- Winning Wise friends