The objective for this capstone activity is to reinforce the importance of choosing friends wisely because these friendships will greatly impact our walk with God. It is important for the children to also be a good friend/sibling to others, by possessing the qualities of love, forgiveness, selflessness, and faithfulness. They should model themselves after Jesus who has proven to be the ultimate best friend
Special Friend Guest
If possible, introduce the children to a friend that you truly admire. Bring that person to Sunday School and honor them by seating them in a special seat in the class and telling the kids why you admire this friend. Talk about how this friend lives up to the characteristics of a true friend discussed in the previous lessons.
Friends "Rub off" on you Activity
Supplies: 2 pencils, paper, wet wipes for clean up
Have each child write the word FRIEND in large block letters, filling in the letters completely and very dark with the pencil. When they are finished, have them rub their fingers over the letters to see that the graphite from the pencil has rubbed off on their hands.
Explain that in the same way, the friends they choose can have a big impact on the way they act. Friends can influence what type of clothes they wear, the type of music they listen to, how they treat others, and how they obey God, etc. Basically, friends "rub off" on them and as Christians, they need to be careful who they surround themselves with.
Relationships Between Friends and Family: Kahoot Review
Use this super fun Kahoot game to summarize this module and play with the kids over zoom or during an in person class. Can be played with an extra device, or just make teams. Another option would be to give them 4 index cards to represent the multiple choice colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and they can hold up their choice.