New Testament Module


In this module, the children will learn how to choose and do the will of God using examples from the New Testament. They will also have a closer look to several of our Lord Jesus Christ's character and His teachings, and how these teachings are essential to acquire and apply in the children's daily lives.


Scripture: The Holy Bible teaches us that as Christians, we are to fulfill the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some of those actions are difficult for us to fulfill, but the Lord is good with His promises and support for His children. The Holy Scriptures reveal the promises of the Lord to those who fulfill His teachings and commandments.

Spiritual: The knowledge of who is our Lord Jesus Christ (God-Man), establishes our commitment and sacrifice for the sake of His love. The teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ require true acts of love that involve sacrifice. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." (St. John 15:13)

Social: It is easy for us to treat well those who treat us well. It is more difficult to treat strangers well. Finally, it is most difficult to treat our enemies well. Establishing rules for kindness in the class is a basic foundation.

Rituals: The Coptic Church's Rituals establish the Liturgy of the Word. The Liturgy of the Word is to teach and instruct the church's children. In every Liturgy, we pray that we be "...worthy to hear and act according to the Holy Gospel." (Liturgy of the Word) As we listen to those words from the Litany of the Gospel, we are to lift our hearts in prayer that God may make us worthy of the grace to enact His words.


Week 1: Do the Will of God

How can we decipher God's voice as a child, a brother/sister and be sure that I am following God's plan?

Week 2: Compassion & the Golden Rule

Be able to view Christ through the Gospel and see how He dealt with both the believers and unbelievers and treated everyone with love and respect. Christ did not differentiate between Jew, Greek, or nonbeliever. Lastly, to understand that what we do unto others will be given back to us.

Week 3: Do Not Judge

To learn how to look for our sins and things we have done wrong before we look for what wrong things the others around us have. Teach the children what Jesus said and done about Judging others and apply it to them*.*

Week 4: Love Your Enemies

This month we are discussing the Teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He taught us many things during His time on Earth. Today, we will be discussing how to love our enemies and those around us.