Compassion and the Golden Rule


Be able to view Christ through the Gospel and see how He dealt with both the believers and unbelievers and treated everyone with love and respect. Christ did not differentiate between Jew, Greek or nonbeliever. Lastly, to understand that what we do unto others will be given back to us.


Use the puppet & preferably give him a name

P - Hello everyone, how are you doing? Are you happy as I am happy today?

S - What are you happy about?

P - I helped my grandpa today because he was sitting on his chair and wanted his medicine bottle and I got it for him and gave a water bottle.

S - Why are you so happy about that?

P - Because I was able to help my grandpa.

S - What if the person needing help is a stranger to you, would you help him also?

P - I'm not sure if I do

S - Today's lesson will be exactly about helping others and what to do. Sit down & listen.

Think about a few compassionate people. What are common characteristics that they share? (Kind-hearted, sympathetic, helpful, etc.) These were all characteristics of Christ as we see in His ministry with the disciples and with others. Christ was constantly "seeking the lost sheep".

HOLY SCRIPTURE - 5 minutes

Memory Verse

"Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them" Matt. 7:12


The sermon on the mount (Matthew 5)

"Therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect" Matt. 5:48

Luke 10:25-37, John 16:33, (2 Cor. 9:7).


God wants us to have the spirit of giving because this is the way Christ lived on earth. He gave freely to us and did not expect anything in return. During the Lent Fast, the church sings this hymn:

Blessed are those who fast and pray

Who give to the poor and have mercy

The Holy Spirit will fill their hearts

The Son will show them mercy on judgment Day

In the Gospel, Christ often teaches through a call to action. He leads by example and gives us His teaching by parables.

  • Parable of The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37 Please explain the parable in detail.
    • The Samaritans and Jews did not have a good relationship at this time so for the Samaritan to help the traveler was contrary to popular belief at that time
    • A traveller stripped of clothing, left almost dead on the street. A priest and Levite passed by him and finally a Samaritan helped him.These two people are the ones who were supposed to help him but they didn't. A complete stranger, and also considered an enemy, is the one who helped him.
    • This traveler represents our neighbor whom we ought to take care of. It does not matter if they are of a different color or background. We learn from Christ that tells us that everyone is our neighbor and our brother.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes

  • We often are told to go the extra mile or to turn the other cheek. How can I do this in my everyday life with my family and friends?
  • Who is considered my brother? Why?
  • How can I pray for those who make fun of me or bully me?
  • Why do I need to be nice to those who are mean to me?


As Christians, we are called to a higher calling. We are sent out as "sheep in the midst of wolves". (Matt. 10:16) It is very difficult for us to live the Bible these days. However, this Samaritan man who helped the helpless man is what Christ asks of us. He asks that we be friendly with those that are unfriendly with us. He does ask us to go the extra mile with those who are not necessarily our friends but the reward in the end, with God's grace is Heaven.

CONCLUSION - 5 Minutes

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

We can fully commit ourselves to Christ and know that He will take care of us. We can give to others without limit because we are told to do so and in doing so we will be rewarded because God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7).

It is only by having compassion on others that God has compassion on us and has mercy on us.

ACTIVITY - 20 Minutes


Bring socks and have the kids divide into small groups and read the story together and color the socks and place eyes on the socks and enact the scene of the Parable.


  • Gospel of the Second Mile by Fr. Pishoy Kamel
  • The Platinum Rule
  • The Golden Rule (Mathew 7:12) | Fr. Shenouda Meleka


Encourage the children to look for persons in their family in need of help and give help as much as they can given their capabilities and this should be a start to engrave in their hearts the concept of helping others.