The objective of this module is to introduce the Old Testament to the 1st Graders. The 1st graders will learn an introduction to Moses, The ten commandments, Daniel in the Lion's Den, and Jonah.
- Have the servant provide blank pieces of paper to each child. Each child should trace their hand with a pencil on this piece of paper. Using 5 different colors have them write on each finger a different way to obey.
- The kids are learning about obedience in this module so they should come up with different things to say when being obedient. They could use the stories they learned about this month, or they could come up with their own answers too.
- For Example: How Moses was obedient, listening to our elders, Honoring our mother and father like it says in the 10 commandments, and saying things like "Sure" "Yes" and "Of course" when asked to do something.