

The objective of the service module is to teach the children how to implement service in our lives. In second grade, we will go over the meaning of sacrifice, commitment, dedication, and giving back to the church. Week 5 is the capstone week to review and serve together.

In this lesson, children will understand the importance of being committed to God. Having a strong, intimate relationship with God when we are young will put us on the path to a meaningful and fruitful Christian life.

INTRODUCTION & HOOK - 10 minutes

Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)

Commitment means to promise to do something and actually doing it. For example, say you committed to helping your friend with a project. You may not gain any benefits, but you are helping a friend. Commitment means to actually keep your promise and help your friend with the project. Why should we keep our commitments? Because it will help people trust us, we are helping other people, and people can rely on us. One day, we may need someone else's help and their commitment will be very important to us. More importantly, it is vital that we commit our lives to God. This means to commit to His teachings and His Word. We follow His will and dedicate our lives to serving Him and becoming good people. It takes a lot of hard work and self-discipline to be committed to something. Sometimes, you may even have to sacrifice something you want to do to commit and be there for others.


Memory Verse

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday." (Psalm 37:5-6)


  • When we commit to God, He commits to us too.
  • Our commitment to God will bring out our righteousness - we will have no sin because we will be following what God wants us to do.
  • When we serve, love, and please Our Lord Jesus Christ, we're living our commitment to Jesus.
  • When we commit ourselves to Our Savior, the things we do are good and pure and helpful to others.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes

What are different ways you can commit to God so that you have personal growth or can help others? An example of personal growth can be our consistency in praying every morning, or committing to reading a Bible story before we go to bed.

Focus on committing to your goal this week and try to achieve it Hang your goal somewhere you can always see it to remind yourself of your goal.

LIFE APPLICATION (Action) - 10 Minutes

Please see the goal sheet below. Students will write down one thing they can commit to this week. Then students will write down or draw 4 ways they will accomplish this commitment.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Candlelight Craft

Color the candlelight picture with crayons. Have the kids write the verse on the candle or print it out and glue it to the center.


Encourage and support your children to reach their goals this week. Talk to them about the meaning of commitment and how it's important to always improve oneself. Help them figure out ways to achieve their goal.