Being Compassionate


The objective of the service module is to teach the children how to implement service in our lives. In second grade, we will go over the meaning of sacrifice, commitment, giving back to the church and being compassionate. Week 5 is the capstone week to review and serve together.

In this lesson, children will understand how to be compassionate as Christ is compassionate. The miracle of feeding the five thousand illustrates not only to give to those who are in need, but to do it from your heart and give all that you can.


Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)

Materials needed:

  • Box
  • Sandpaper
  • Cotton
  • Glue
  • Pictures of compassion and not compassionate situations
  • Paper plates
  • Goldfish crackers
  • Wheat thins (or another type of cracker)
  • Crayons

Before class, get a box and glue cotton to one side and sandpaper on the other side. In class, present the box to the class and tell them this box is going to help us learn about kind and unkind words.

  • Walk around with the box so each student can feel the difference between the cotton and the sandpaper. Talk about how each feels on their hands. After students mention the cotton feels nice, soft, fluffy, etc...point out that some words we use can feel this way too.
  • Discuss what compliments and good manners are. Maybe you can even show pictures of kindness and compassion.
  • Next, gather responses from the students about how the sandpaper feels. Point out that some of the words we use can feel this way too.
  • Discuss name calling, teasing, and tattling can feel hurtful like sandpaper.
  • Then, show a picture of someone being mean to someone else.
  • Ask the students how they feel towards the person being bullied. Introduce the word "compassion."
  • Discuss that it means caring for others and wanting to help them.


Memory Verse - "He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick" (Matthew 14:14)

Matthew 14: 13-21 Jesus feeds the Five Thousand


When Our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to be alone for a while, He went to a ship to sit by Himself. However, people all over heard of this and followed Him. "He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick" Matthew 14:14. Our Lord Jesus Christ helped them and was compassionate towards these people, even though he wanted to be by Himself. He sacrificed what He wanted to help others.

Later that evening, the disciples told Jesus to send the people away to go buy food and feed themselves. However, Jesus told them, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat" Matthew 14:16. The disciples told Jesus they only have five loaves and two fish. Then Jesus said, "Bring them here to Me" (14:18). He told the people to sit down on the grass. He took the fives loaves and two fish, blessed them, broke, and gave the loaves to the disciples, then the disciples gave the food to all of the people. Everyone ate their food and were full. There were more than 5,000 people that ate

DISCUSSION (Challenge) -10 Minutes

Discuss the following points with students:

  • In order to serve others we must have compassion towards them. We must try to understand how they feel and help them when needed.
  • For example, if your brother or sister is having trouble doing something, such as their homework or maybe fixing a toy, and you're able to help them, you should This means you saw there is a need and you understand how they feel.
  • Whenever you could help someone and be compassionate toward them, you should because that is what Our Lord Jesus Christ does.

LIFE APPLICATION (Action) - 5 Minutes

Have students write three ways they plan on being compassionate this week on their basket. Maybe it's going up to a person at school who doesn't have many friends and talking with her/him. Perhaps it could be helping a parent do a chore.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Please see the picture of the activity below. Students will make a basket out of paper plates (you may want to pre-cut these), staple & color them, then add the Goldfish and crackers to the basket. .


Reiterate that compassion means understanding people's feelings and caring for them. Explain to your children the importance of compassion and why it's an important trait to have. If there is a time where your child is compassionate or on the reverse, doesn't want to be compassionate, explain the importance of it and why that certain act is compassionate. For example, if it's helping you put away the dishes. You could explain that being compassionate means to think about how you do the same chores every day and may be so tired, and you would appreciate the help.