The objective of the service module is to teach the children how Christian service should be implemented in their lives.
The objective for this grade is to teach children about sacrifice, commitment, dedication and serve together.
- Write and send cards & letters to our troops and ask children to communicate appreciation for the soldiers' sacrifices and dedication to us and our country.
- Ask kids to buy one of their favorite craft kits, take to a local children's hospital and donate it. Write a letter and make cards for the sick kids to send with the donated craft kits.
- When school supplies are on sale at the beginning of the year, pack a backpack and supplies for a local child in need. The YMCA frequently collects these, in addition to other organizations.
Review Game
- Have the group split in two groups
- Whichever side raises their hands first, can answer
- If it is wrong, the other team gets a shot
- The losing team has to do something silly picked by the winning team from the following (the winning team gets to pick):
- Do 15 jumping jacks, followed by 15 push ups, run around their room making weird faces, go hug their family one by one without explaining to their family why they are doing it, etc.
Sacrifice Review
- What does the word "Sacrifice" mean?
- To give something up for other people or to help another person
- Why should we sacrifice?
- We should sacrifice to help people in need of our help or kindness
- What did Jesus sacrifice for us?
- He came down to Earth to save us
- Is it easy to follow Jesus?
- No, it is uncomfortable and not easy
Commitment Review
- What does commitment mean?
- To promise to do something, and you actually do it
- Why should we keep our commitments?
- Because it helps people trust us
- We are helping other people
- People can learn to rely on us
- How can commitment be important to us?
- Because maybe one day we will need help, and that person's help and their commitment will be very important to us
Being Compassionate Review
- What does it mean to have "compassion"?
- Trying to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they feel. Also trying to help that person when you can.
- What is an example of someone having compassion?
- (let them give examples)
- How did Jesus have compassion for the people that wanted to visit Him, even though He wanted to be alone?
- He was compassionate towards the people, and gave up His alone time to heal their sick people.
Giving Back to the Church Review
- What do we give to the church all the time?
- We give our Best
- What are some examples that we can give to our church?
- Our time, our effort, money, gifts, our talent
- Why did God like Abel's gift more than Cain's gift?
- Abel gave God His best sheep in the whole flock
- Cain gave God His fruit that He had in front of him. He did not give Him his best fruit