The Church: The Ark of Salvation


The objective of this module is to help the students gain a deeper understanding of the Faith and expand their knowledge on practices of the church. In this lesson, we will discuss the importance of the church and our roles in it as Christians.


To introduce the topic, use the attached puzzle printout file and cut out each puzzle piece. Give one puzzle piece to each student and have them write on it one reason why they think the Church is important in our lives. Once everyone is done, have the students get together as a group and put their pieces together to build the church.


Memory Verse - " But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33)


Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)

(Segue from the activity) Since the church is so important in our lives (for all of the reasons mentioned by students), we must do our part to learn more about it.

As stated in the Creed, the church is One, Holy, Catholic (Universal), and Apostolic.

  • "One" means that although there are many different church locations in different places we live, we are all still one Church as a whole and we share one faith.
  • "Holy" means that the Church manifests the holiness of God to the whole world. We know that God is holy; all holiness comes from Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head and the Church is His Body. The Church shows the whole world the holiness of God and allows us to participate in this holiness so we can be more like Him in our thoughts, actions, and daily lives.
  • "Catholic" means that the church is for everyone. This word does not relate to the Roman Catholic Church. Instead, the word "catholic" means that the Church has everything we need for our salvation and eternal happiness; nothing is missing The Church is for everyone's salvation. During the Crucifixion, Christ took the right thief (who committed many bad crimes throughout his life and did not follow God) as the first one entering Paradise after his repentance. This shows us that Christ is willing to accept anyone who is willing to believe in Him and repent, no matter what their past may look like. After our Lord's Resurrection, He sent His Holy Apostles to establish the Church throughout the world so everyone may have a chance to be saved by believing in Christ and living a Christian life as part of the Church.
  • Lastly, "Apostolic" means that the faith of the Church is the one handed down by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself to His Holy Apostles, the same faith that the Apostles then handed down to the believers, which has been handed down to the present day. As we chant in the Divine Liturgy, "As it was, it is and shall it be from generation to generation..."

These characteristics help us to understand the Church as the Ark of Salvation. Just like Noah and his family were saved from the Great Flood by being inside the safety of the Ark, so also are we saved from the flood of sin, death, and despair by living within the Church, which is the Ark of Salvation. This is why the main part of the Church is called the "nave," which is similar to the word "navy" and comes from the Latin word for "ship." The Church is literally a ship, an ark Noah and his family were saved by the wood of the Ark whereas we are saved in the Ark of the Church through the wood of Jesus Christ's Cross.

Overall, the Church is essential because it is through the Church that we take our steps to salvation (such as the Holy Mysteries, learning from servants, spiritual guidance, prayers, etc.). God established the Church as a way for us to get closer to Him and continuously grow deeper in our faith, because as we mentioned in the previous lesson, salvation is a continuous gift. We must always be working towards it throughout our lives as Christians and therefore we must always be active members in the church.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the importance of the church, is there anything you are going to change in your spiritual habits? If so, why?


Many years ago, people did not have churches like we do today. Today however, the church is very accessible to us and should be a very important part of our lives because it is necessary for our salvation.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Let Christ Find Your Heart Maze - See attached below. (Also on


See visuals attached.


Encourage your children and family to attend church weekly and emphasize the importance of church for our salvation. Review with them why the church is so important as well as its meaningful symbols.