The Holy Mysteries


The objective of this module is to help the students gain a deeper understanding of the Faith and expand their knowledge of the practices of the church. This lesson focuses on the Holy Mysteries and their importance and impact on the Coptic Church. Furthermore, participation in these mysteries is essential for eternal life.


Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes).

Gauge how much the students already know about the Holy Mysteries via questions and answers. Begin by asking the students if any can name the major seven Holy Mysteries. If necessary, explain to the students that Holy Mysteries refers to the term "sacraments," which they may have also heard being used.

Note: In this module, the term Holy Mysteries will be used, rather than "sacraments", as it is the term used in the Divine Liturgy, and more closely aligns with the Coptic and Arabic terms ("mysterion, and "serr").

HOLY SCRIPTURE - 5-10 Minutes

Memory Verse due to the wide variety of verses regarding this topic, choose a few verses and review them with your students:

Related verses and content:

  • Baptism/Holy Myron: Matthew 3:11, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:37, Acts 8:38, Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16
  • Priesthood: Philippians 3:1-12, Acts 6
  • Marriage: Ephesians 5, Mark 10:6-9
  • Eucharist: John 6:28-71
  • Confession: Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18, John 1:9, John 20:21
  • Unction of the Sick: James 5:13, Matthew 10:8


This lesson will have a breakdown of each individual Mystery, followed by a comprehensive idea that ties it together.

Holy Baptism:

The Mystery of Holy Baptism is when the Orthodox Christian is born again by immersion in the holy water of Baptism three times in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This Mystery is the birth of a Christian. In the Gospel, our Lord Jesus Christ told Nicodemus, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God" (Jn 3:5). In Holy Baptism, therefore, the person comes out of the water like a newborn; now, he/she is born of the water and Spirit and ready to live a pure Christian life leading to salvation and eternal life with God, which is the greatest and happiest goal of every person. St. Paul taught us an additional way of understanding Holy Baptism: when a person enters the water, he is dying with Christ. This means the person dies to their old and sinful nature through the Crucifixion of Christ. When the person rises from the water, he is raised with Christ. This means the person is raised into a glorious and eternal life through the Resurrection of Christ, but there is a catch The person has to maintain this way of life through Christian living until he/she is ready to be with God forever.

Chrismation/Holy Myron:

The Mystery of the Holy Myron is the Mystery where the Orthodox Christian receives the seal of the Holy Spirit. In fact, in the Greek language, "Myron" means ointment, and we are anointed with the oil of Myron 36 times The oil is anointed on our joints and senses so that the Holy Spirit can dwell and guide us in every aspect of our life. The Holy Myron oil is a very special oil. St. Mark, the first Patriarch of the Coptic Church, brought some in a flask with him, and since then, it has been diluted and passed down since. At the date of this writing, it has been made 29 times in the history of the Coptic Church. And here is something truly incredible- the spices that were laid on the body of Our Lord Jesus Christ, are the same as when we are anointed after baptism. It is also important to note that although the Holy Myron is immediately after the Holy Baptism, they are independent Mysteries.

Repentance and Confession

The Mystery of Holy Confession was instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. (see related verses and content). Confession is when the confessor exposes their heart to the priest, who was given authority to forgive sins, through the Holy Spirit.

  • There are 4 Conditions for True Repentance:
  • Feeling bad for committing that sin
  • Trying to improve and not do that sin anymore
  • Having faith in Christ and Hope in His love to forgive
  • Confess to a priest verbally

By confessing your sins verbally to a priest, you embarrass the devil, who tries to make you believe there is no redemption. By exposing yourself, you don't give satisfaction to the devil.

The Holy Eucharist

This Holy Mystery may also be known as Holy Communion. This is when the Orthodox Christian eats and drinks the Holy Body and the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is sometimes known as the "Mystery of Mysteries" because it is so important. We unite with Christ and our fellow brothers and sisters. Through the Holy Eucharist, we abide in Christ, and He abides in us. Furthermore, this was His promise for eternal life (see related verses and content). The Holy Eucharist provides us with spiritual growth and nourishment, as we physically intake the Savior of the world. The Holy Eucharist is the believer's greatest treasure and should be taken with the utmost care, respect, and preparations.

Unction of the Sick

In this Mystery, the priest anoints the sick with Holy oil. With God's grace and in accordance with His will, the sick are made whole.

Holy Matrimony

Matrimony is a holy Mystery uniting a man and woman in marriage. Some of the goals of Christian matrimony:

  • Have a friend to live life with and give each other company
  • Have kids

It is important to be married in the church, so that God may bless your life. Before the altar, the bride and groom commit themselves to the other. It is the safest and most perfect place to start life together.


In this Mystery, a man of good reputation is chosen by the people. The bishop lays his hands on the head of the candidate so that he receives the priestly rank by the Holy Spirit. He is then given by God, the authority to perform the Mysteries, as well as teach the doctrines of the church, and serve a congregation. This is the only Mystery that some believers may not participate in.


Encourage the students to participate in the Holy Mysteries; receive the Holy Eucharist on a weekly basis, confess regularly, etc. We grow closer to Christ with each of these, as He is present in every mystery. It is where visible actions lead to invisible grace.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

  • Which Mystery is the birth of a Christian?
  • How many times is someone anointed with the Holy Myron?
  • What is the Holy Myron?
  • What are the 4 Conditions for True Repentance?
  • What is the Unction of the Sick?
  • What are some goals of marriage?
  • Why is the Eucharist so important?


Every week the students should attend the Holy Liturgy, receive the Eucharist, and have a routine schedule of confession. These are changes that, as 3rd graders, should become a staple routine.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes


  • Papers
  • Pens
  • Tape (optional)

Prior to the activity, the servant will need to create eight stations in the Sunday school room. Seven out of the 8 papers should be labeled with hints/riddles/or questions regarding the 7 Mysteries (one riddle per paper), on the eighth paper should be the word "SALVATION" this paper should be placed as the last "station".

The students will be split up into two teams (for bigger classes this may require more teams at the servant's discretion). Assign one student writer per team, and hand them a piece of paper and a pen. Have the designated writer number their paper 1-7.

The students should then be placed at the first station/level and are required to answer which Mystery they think the riddle is describing in order to move onto the next "level/Mystery".

The servant should be waiting at the seventh station to check the students' work.

If the team answers all of the riddles/questions correctly then they are able to move onto the eighth station which should be labeled "SALVATION" (servants may decide whether they want to offer the students candy or prizes for those who get to this station).

If students answered incorrectly or are having a difficult time, make sure to walk them through the answer, and once they are able to guess it again, allow them to move on.

At the end of the activity, the servant should explain that the purpose of this activity is to demonstrate to the students how partaking in the seven Mysteries is essential in building spiritual lives and attaining heaven.



Ask your child about what they learned. Explain to them the importance of these Holy Mysteries. Schedule a confession for them, and explain to them the significance. (If possible) Tell them about their baptism name, and how that name was chosen for them. If their name is their baptism name, then explain what a baptism name is, and why they are able to keep their own name.