See Something, Say Something
The objective of this module is to address the social difficulties kids are facing among their peers, and to teach and encourage them to overcome the negative and go the extra mile to make a positive impact, as this is our way of sharing God's light with those around us. Through this lesson, children should learn the importance of speaking up when they witness something wrong is being done and to report it to an authority figure.
Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)
Think back to last week's lesson on bullying. Imagine you're in class and there is another student that begins to pick on you by calling you mean names or even pushing you down and hurting you. If someone saw this happening, would you want them to go tell a teacher about it or pretend like it isn't happening?
Now imagine you have a big test coming up and you studied so hard for it all week so you can get an A. However, one of your classmates only studied for a few minutes and cheated on the exam, but still got an A. Is this fair? Would you want someone to speak up and tell the teacher?
Speaking up for what is right is very important.
Memory Verse - "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11
A lot of times when we witness something wrong happening around us, we get too scared to speak up and say something because we are worried people might call us "tattletales". It's important to understand the difference between telling and "tattling". When you "tattle" your main focus is just to get the other person in trouble. When you tell, you are focusing on doing the right thing and speaking up so that the truth is told.
When you speak up, you are protecting yourself and those around you. You are also helping the person that is making the wrong choice. For example, if you see your classmate cheating on a test, by telling the teacher you are making the test fair for all students and are also helping the person that is cheating because they will learn that cheating is wrong and can get them in really big trouble.
1 John 1:7 says, " But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin." Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to walk with Him in the light. This means to always tell the truth, do the right thing, and love everyone. When we love those around us, we want them to do the right thing and also walk in the light so we can all get to heaven.
Another way we can speak up if we see someone doing something wrong is by trying to talk to them ourselves. If it is someone we are comfortable with we can go to them and try and encourage them to do the right thing, and if that doesn't help then it is important to go tell an adult.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes
- Why is it important to speak up?
- Have you ever spoken up about something you saw? How did you feel after?
- If you were doing something wrong that could hurt you in the future, would you want someone to speak up?
Have the student pair up and practice speaking up. Give them different scenarios (ex: one student is cheating on an exam or stealing or saying bad words and the other is trying to speak up and correct). By doing this, they can practice becoming more comfortable and courageous. You can tell them that they can also come to you as an adult to speak up if they would like to practice that. Have students switch roles before moving on.
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
Tattling Game
- Table or chair
- Buzzer or something they can grab or ring
Split the class into two teams. Have one child from each team come and stand across from each other with the buzzer (or object they can grab) between them. Read different scenarios and have the students answer whether it is tattling or reporting. The student who buzzes first gets to answer. See list of different scenarios here or come up with your own.
Have the children memorize the verse "Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Encourage them to repeat this verse often to remind them that God always wants us to be brave and strong and stand up for what is right, but also do everything with love and not with bad intentions.