Greed & Generosity


The objective of this module is to address the social difficulties kids are facing among their peers, and to teach and encourage them to overcome the negative and go the extra mile to make a positive impact, as this is our way of sharing God's light with those around us. Throughout this lesson, children will understand the harm of greed while learning the benefits and joy of giving in various aspects of life.


Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)

Egg-stra Generosity


  • Egg
  • Water
  • Clear Container
  • Salt (¼ cup per cup of water)


Place an egg into the clear container filled with water and show the children how the egg sinks. Tell the children this is how someone who needs generosity feels. Remove the egg and tell the children that the salt represents our giving. Ask the children to say some things that they can give to others in need. Each time they say something, add salt and stir. Place the egg back into the water and watch the egg float. Explain to the children how their generosity helped and supported the egg to float This is how our generosity to others supports them when they are in need.


Do you know how to catch a monkey? In some places of the world when they want to catch a monkey they place some rice in a small jar and leave it out. Monkeys are very greedy, so if they see food they will want to go and get it The monkey then goes and puts his hand in the jar to grab the rice, but since his hand only fits in the jar when it's open, he gets stuck in the jar because he is so greedy he doesn't want to let go of the rice. The monkey will stay sitting stuck in the jar, even though he can let go of the rice, and gets captured by the hunters. This is what can happen to us if we get so focused on ourselves and become greedy with material things. We may fall into the devils traps and sin.


Read the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31

Memory Verse if applicable - "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35


The Rich Man and Lazarus

There was a rich man dressed in fine linen and a beggar named Lazarus who was full of sores laid at the rich man's gate, desiring to be fed by the crumbs of the rich man. When the beggar died, he was carried up by the angels into the embrace of Abraham. When the rich man died, he went down to Hades and saw from far away Abraham with Lazarus, and cried for mercy. Abraham told him, "Remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented." Luke 16:25 Abraham even told him there is a great distance between us and we cannot pass over to each other.

We learn from the rich man that our materials and riches in life will pass away with us and they will not last forever. It is meaningless to be greedy and hold on to treasures on earth when they will die with us. Being greedy means that we are not willing to share, and we want to keep holding on to things and store them up only for ourselves. When we are greedy, we are not thinking of others or of God, but only ourselves. For example, Lazarus had nothing and was even a beggar, but when he died he went up with the angels to have eternal life in paradise that will never pass away.

Does being generous mean we must only donate money? NO there are so many ways to be generous

Donate Time

God loves when we are generous with our time and use it to serve others We can give more time to God by attending church, volunteering our time to help those in need, give time to help clean the church, etc.

Donate Talent

God has given each of us a unique set of talents, or things that we are good at. We should use these talents to glorify God and serve Him and others as much as we can. For example, if you are good at math you can help your classmates or younger siblings when they are struggling, or if you have a nice singing voice you can organize a group to go sing at nursing homes to cheer the elderly up.

Donate Treasure

When we are generous with our treasures, it doesn't always have to mean money If we see that someone at school doesn't have food to eat, we can share our food with them. We can donate clothes or food to the poor, we can even share the Word of God with others by speaking to them about God.

Donate Prayers

The most effective way to give to others, especially when we do not have much to offer, is to offer prayers Prayers are unlimited and stronger than any earthly thing.

By being generous, we show others that we love them and we are obeying the words of Christ when He tells us, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35

When we give to others, we are also giving to God.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

  • What are some ways that we can be generous to others?
  • How can we be generous to God?
  • Was the rich man greedy or generous?
  • What do you think would have happened to the rich man if he was more generous?
  • What are some things we can change in our daily lives to make us more generous?


We can spend more time helping our parents or siblings, if we see a poor person we can offer them food or even just a smile, etc. We see many examples in the Bible of those who were generous and we saw how great God rewarded them Think of the widow who gave two mites, all she had When we give to others and put them before ourselves, God sees and remembers every good deed and He will give us heavenly rewards. Greed can make us dishonest and selfish and put us at risk of losing our heavenly reward, just like the rich man.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

The Giving Tree Craft


  • Tree template
  • Colored pencils, crayons or markers
  • Scissors (or pre-cut the trees to save time)


Give the students the tree template. On the trunk of the tree, have them write their names. ASk the children to add the "fruits" to their tree. Instruct them that the "fruits" are all things that they personally are able to give (example attached).

Giving Tree Craft



Encourage the children to always share their belongings, food, and talents. Take them to homeless services and other volunteer opportunities to experience the joy of giving.