Old Testament Module
The objective of this module is to reflect on faith and in our trust in God. Over these four lessons, we will be looking at God's strong arm in crossing of the Red Sea and the victory over Pharaoh and his army drowning in the red sea. God was providing for the Israelites and through the wilderness for 40 years giving them food and water and guidance through the cloud by day and a fire by night. He also taught them how to worship Him and gave Moses detailed instructions to build the first church.
Please read all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.
- Week 1: Moses, Crossing the Red Sea & the Israelites in the wilderness
- Week 2: The Ten Commandments
- Week 3: Joshua and Caleb
- Week 4: Joshua and Jericho
- Capstone Activity (the Tabernacle)
- Scripture: The children will understand the events of Crossing the Red Sea, wandering in the wilderness, Exodus and Joshua, understanding how God delivered His people and fulfilled His promise.
- Spiritual: The children will understand the concept of faith in God and that they will be victorious if they rely on God.
- Social: The children will understand that they should trust and depend on God regardless of their surroundings. Moses and Aaron defended God to the complaining Israelites, and how Joshua and Caleb defended God against the faithless 10 spies will instill in the children the ideal of defending our God.
- Rituals: The first church was instituted (the tabernacle) with all its details to teach the children the first church and the symbols in the presented sacrifices pointing to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ (the ultimate sacrifice).