Serving the Poor


The objective of the service module is to teach the children how to implement service in our lives. We want children to know that we show our true faith through our actions, not just by saying how much we follow God's commandments.The goal is to teach third graders how the Holy Spirit works through them everyday. Every week of this module will focus on serving different spheres of their lives: week 1 -- the family, week 2- the poor, week 3-the sick, week 4- the community. Week 5 is the capstone week to review and serve together. Please read through all the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.

In this lesson, children should understand that we must put less importance on material things, as they could be a distraction in our spiritual lives. Helping those who are less fortunate shows our true character as Christians.


Please review the previous week's lesson and check for understanding (5 minutes)

Wants vs Needs

Explain the difference between a want (something you would like to have, but is not necessary for life) and a need (something you must have to stay healthy and safe). Go through some objects and have the kids discuss if it is a need or a want (ex. clothes, a house, video games, food, water, new shoes, iPad, etc)

You may use this worksheet.

When you ask for something and don't get it, what is your reaction? How often do you thank God for your house or clean water? Some people don't even have the things we said we need to survive.

Talk about the poor and their needs --food, clothing, shelter, spiritual & emotional needs, etc.


Memory Verse

"He who has a generous eye will be blessed, For he gives of his bread to the poor" Proverbs 22:9

Read together one or more of these Synaxarium/Bible passages together with open books.

  • St. Nicholas
  • St. Abraam
  • Feeding of the Five Thousand
  • Matthew 25:34-40 "Then the King will say to those on His right hand..."
  • Proverbs 22:9, 28:6
  • Deuteronomy 15:11


Our actions show our character, and as Christians, we show our faith by our actions. Ask the children, how can we serve the poor by our actions? Give the children time to discuss and share examples.

  • Concrete examples: Do what you say you will do...Donate new toys, new clothes, school supplies, new shoes. Pick an organization to sponsor a poor child. Collect food for a food drive. Be kind to others that look/act/dress differently.
  • Abstract examples: Pray for the poor, pray for the hungry. Emphasize that praying is the most important and effective thing we can do, and we also have to take action.
  • Take the time to remind children that we pray for the poor during the liturgy and in Psalms.

APPLICATION (Action) - 5 Minutes

Just because we are not at church, doesn't mean we shouldn't be giving donations or praying for the poor. Prayer is the most important and powerful thing we can do to help others.

Ask children how they will serve the poor this week. Examples: Pray for the poor and needy and collect food from the pantry...

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

  • Helping Hands Chart (see Appendix)
  • "First World Problems Jar"
    • While this might be for more advanced grade-levels, the First World problems jar is a way for students to begin acknowledging the privileges and blessings that they may take for granted. It is a great thing to do in both the classroom and at home Set a jar out that is clearly marked (something like "First World Problems Jar" will do) and make it clear for all the students that this is money that will be donated to a person in need. Then, make sure you watch the two videos in the links below to begin thinking of what might be considered a "first world problem." Then, anytime someone complains about something that could only be considered a "first world problem," ask them to contribute something to the jar (maybe $1, or even just a quarter). It won't take long before students stop complaining that the cafeteria ran out of chocolate milk

  • As a class, sponsor a child/family. You can sponsor a child for your classroom and put his/her picture next to a jar to collect donations


Give your children opportunities to serve the poor and to act out what is in their hearts to do for them. If something they want to do is definitely impossible, redirect their good intentions to something that is possible this week. Thank you for helping us encourage the children to reach out to others Also, please send your child with donation money next week (and weekly) so that we can encourage giving in class.

Most important is that you help your child match their actions to their words. In this way, we can teach them to show their Christian faith through their actions.