In this module we will be using the Creed to highlight important faith concepts. One of the main authors of the Creed was Saint Athanasius, the twentieth Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church. It was written to specifically address any questions about our faith.
The focus of this capstone is to help the fourth graders memorize the Creed if they have not already, and to reinforce the words of the Creed for those who already know it.
Creed Tetris
Ahead of class, print multiple copies of the attached creed. Cut the words in the table into pieces based on the colors (each group of colored words makes one piece- similar to tetris blocks). Place each set of pieces in a plastic bag to bring to class.
Before beginning the activity, display the creed and have the students read it together as a class a couple of times.
Next, split the class into teams based on the size of the class, and distribute one set of pieces to each team along with 3 sheets of construction paper and glue (optional). On the floor or a wide table, have the students reassemble the creed like a game of tetris. The first team to complete the puzzle can win a prize. Suggested: Have additional prizes ready for students who can recite the creed independently the following week.