The objective for the fourth-grade Spread of Christianity module is to teach the children about the origin of mission work and how we too can spread the word of Christ through our actions and behavior.
Four Corners
- Before the activity, the servant must label each corner accordingly
- St. Peter Seal of the Martyrs
- Queen Helen and Constantine
- St. Athanasius and The Council of Nicea
- Pope Timothy and The Council of Constantinople
- Have the four corners of the room set up as the four stories involved in this module.
- The classroom will also have to be cleared out
- The servant will then ask a question or say a part of the story and the students will have to go to whatever corner represents the answer to that question or statement.
- If the students go to the correct corner, they will continue onto the next question (give the questions in order from easiest to more difficult), but if they get the wrong answer, they sit down. The last student or set of students can win a prize.
- Continue the game for a few rounds so everyone can participate.