The Priest and Our Lord Christ


The objective of this lesson is to learn about the priesthood and the role of the priest in the sacraments. The way our Lord God created the priesthood and the representation of Christ in the priesthood. We aim to have the children get to know about the priest, so that they may start developing a relationship with him, so he can assist them throughout their life in their relationship with God.


Introduce the lesson by telling the students a story about a boy/girl who made a big mistake (breaking something, stealing something, etc...). Elaborate on this story then see how it led to many problems. Emphasize that part of the solution involved going to the priest, and explain how Abouna gave advice, prayed the absolution, which allowed him/her to take communion. The goal of this "story" is to segue into how God allows forgiveness of sin and salvation through the mystery of the priesthood.


Memory Verse

"For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts."

Malachi 2:7

  • John 20:20-22
  • Numbers 6:22-27
  • Exodus 40:12-15


Priesthood is one of the seven sacraments.

God created the priesthood originally in the old testament as representatives on behalf of the people before God.

In the old Testament God chose men to be separated for God and were dedicated to the work of God and later in the temple. Their job was to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people for their sins, for fulfilling their vows and to teach the people God's laws. They were confined to the tribe of Levi.

Christ Himself is our High Priest

  • Lord Jesus Christ said, "for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth" (Jn 17:19). To sanctify means to consecrate; our Lord has consecrated Himself for the ministry and redemption. Likewise, all ranks of the Priesthood are consecrated for the ministry according to the example of Lord Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest.

The Work of the Priest

  • From the beginning we see that God chose and separated to Himself men to serve Him and His people to convey to His people the commands of the Lord and the secrets of His love, kingdom and worship.
  • In the New Testament, Christ instituted the priesthood when He chose the twelve:
  • "He called His disciples to Him, and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles" (Lk 6:13)
  • He gave them authority:
    • "He breathed on them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit'. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained" (Jn 20:22-23).
  • This happened before Pentecost, which means He gave them here the Holy Spirit as an ordination.
  • He told them only, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19). He also only gave them the mystery of the holy Eucharist.

Priesthood is a calling and an honor:

  • St. Paul said, "No man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God" (Heb 5:4) and "Let the elders priests who rule well be counted worthy of double honor" (1 Tim 5:17)
  • As in the Old Testament, the priests have special vestments and garments
    • We see in the OT God had specific instructions for these vestments for honor and for beauty. Exodus 28
    • In the New Testament the vestments of the clergy have many symbols.

The Priesthood Ranks:

  • Deaconship: Psaltos (chanter), Anagnostos (Reader), Upo-diakon (subdeacon), Diakon (full deacon), Archdeacon (head deacon)--The orders of deacons are for organizing worship and service. (Acts 6)
  • Priest Ranks: Presbyter: intercessor; Hegomen: spiritual guide; Archpriest
  • Bishop ranks: Bishop: means he who looks from above (who manages the church's affairs).
    • He has the ability to ordain Deacons, Priests and Archpriests. The Metropolitan (Mutraan), i.e. the Bishop of a big city (Governorate). Patriarch (Patri = Fathers and Arch = Boss or Head). The Patriarch is the Bishop of the bishops.

Role of the Priest in the Sacraments

  • Priests/Clergy are servants and agents of the mysteries of the Lord "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries Sacraments of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful" (1 Cor 4:1-2)
  • In the Liturgy, the priest implores God on behalf of the people for forgiveness, for the blessings and for the coming down of the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine to His Body and Blood.

Role of the Priest in the Church, in general in addition to the sacraments:

  • To pray for the people.
  • To teach by good example and preaching the Word of God.
  • To work for achieving the food of eternal life which does not perish in the lives of those he serves.
  • To care for the congregation as a father.
  • It is a heavenly role as St. John Chrysostom describes:
    • "For the priestly office is indeed discharged on earth, but it ranks amongst heavenly ordinances; and very naturally so: for neither man, nor angel, nor archangel, nor any other created power, but the Paraclete Himself, instituted this vocation, and persuaded men while still abiding in the flesh to represent the ministry of angels."


How is understanding the sacrament of Priesthood important for our everyday lives?

  • Without Priesthood we won't be able to confess our sins and be forgiven through the mystery of confession
  • Without Abouna we won't be getting communion and receiving Jesus which help us grow in virtue and become the best version of ourselves
  • Without Abouna we won't have a spiritual father and teacher that cares about our salvation and is willing to answer all of our questions

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10 Minutes

  • How is Christ different from OT priests? From disciples? From priests today?
  • How often should you confess?
  • Do you know the priest also has to confess?

CONCLUSION - 5 Minutes

Priests are appointed by God as faithful stewards of His sacraments as he separated them unto Him in both the Old and New Testament and chose and ordained them in the New Testament for this role.

Priests are also a representation of Christ Who is our High Priest on the altar

The priest in the church is a fatherly figure, spiritual guide and support to the spiritual children entrusted to him by God.

ACTIVITY - 5 Minutes

Have each child sit with Abouna for a few minutes to get to know them, and to tell him about themselves. If they feel comfortable, they may use the time for confession, or if they are not yet comfortable enough with the priest, they can start to build a relationship.

Alternatively, ask the students to find the prayers that the priest says either to forgive people (Absolution), or what he says to bless people in church. Have them compare it to the Old Testament. This can also be done as homework.


  • Powerpoint Presentation Lesson
  • The Priesthood by Pope Shenouda
  • On The Priesthood: St. John Chrysostom
  • Additional Bible references:
    • 1 Timothy 1:2;
    • Ephesians 1:16
    • James 5:14
    • Acts 20:31


Discuss with your child the sacraments of the church. Discuss how Abouna participates in each of those sacraments. Discuss how we can start to use Abouna as a spiritual guide.

Ensure that your child is connecting with Abouna and confessing regularly.