Eyes and Ears


It is to understand how God has given us these abilities to see and hear but we should be careful of how to use them. It is to also make the connection that with everything that we do should be to glorify God.


Pick 4 different songs or instruments.

Two should be loud and noisy (maybe banging, drums), two should be really quiet and peaceful

Then ask the students, "How did you feel when you heard the first two songs? How did you feel when you heard the last two?"

Were there any words coming from these 4 songs? Nope Yet your emotions were still very different.


Memory Verse: "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phillipians 3:14)


Background: In this section you are to have a discussion with the students about media and how it can negatively impact their lives. The structure for this section will be as follows:

  1. Discussion Question:
  2. Verse
  3. Explanation

The one important question that we are always asking is "Are you seeking to glorify God?" can be addressed to any situation in life because we were created to glorify God (Isaiah 43:7). When we stray from our life's God-given purpose, we quickly fall away from where God wants us to be. Does the video game or TV show glorify God? Some video games and TV shows do the opposite. They glorify violence, lewdness, and earthly rewards. As Christians our main goal is to glorify God.

Part 1

  1. Question: Does your use of media, whether TV or video games help you redeem the time?
  2. Verse:...making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16)
  3. Discussion: Let's be honest: Some TV shows or video games act as a black hole that suck up our time. It can be easy to go on TV and "watch just one show" and to stay on for an hour. What else could you have done with that hour? Was that making the best use of the short life God has given you?

Part 2

  1. Question: Does watching TV or playing video games make you a healthier and more productive person?
  2. Verse: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)
  3. Discussion: Sometimes we do not even realize how these different media are actually changing our minds and our reality. Our goal is to eliminate distractions so that we can renew our minds and focus on being more like God.

Part 3

  1. Question: Does your use of TV and video games help you renew your mind in God's truth?
  2. Verse: (1 Corinthians 9:25-27)
  3. Discussion: Will playing video games or TV shows/movies exhibit self-control? Many people have said that video games can become an addiction or an obsession. There is no room in the Christian life for such things. St. Paul compares the Christian life to an athlete disciplining his body so he will win the prize. Christians have a greater motivation to life a set apart life of self-control-- eternal reward in heaven

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 15 Minutes

How can we make use of the time that we have (after school or on the weekend) to get to know God better?

Challenge: as a class think of 3 things that you will do in the week to know God more during the week

  • Examples: reading the bible, researching a saint, memorizing a verse, journaling to God


When we watch TV, listen to inappropriate music, and/or play video games, whether we want to believe it or not it will affect us. It can negatively impact us, we may become moody, anti-social, or even worse far from God. This is NOT to say that we cannot watch ANY TV or listen to ANY music, of course we can We have beautiful movies about Jesus and songs about Jesus.

We want to ensure that what we are doing in our everyday life is to glorify God. We must think, is what I am about to right now gives me an opportunity to glorify God? If not, I need to find something else to do.

Talk about how it feels when we listen to Godly music. How does your mood change?

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Dyeing a flower: The purpose of the activity is to show that something simple a droplet of dye can change our purity. In this case, if we get a white flower and put a drop of food coloring in the water, the stem will soak up that color and will alter the flower's color. Same goes to us, depending on what we see, or hear, it too can change our color.