

In this module, students will learn about The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Students will be given an overview of the Gospels, and then taken through the main events of the Passion of our Lord, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost.


The servant can provide a paper booklet going through the events of Christ's Crucifixion, His Resurrection, and the Ascension. Each page can have a photo of the event and the children can color it.

The children can write on each page what they remember from each story.

This book is something they can take home and every year they can read it to remember these events.

The servant may pick any Resurrection hymn or spiritual song and sing it with the class. For example, Very Early Sunday Morning:

1- Very early Sunday Morning,

While the guards were still asleep,

Jesus is risen declaring,

Victory no more defeat. (2)

R- Resurrection is my song,

Resurrection gave me life,

Resurrection made me strong,

Jesus my Lord is alive. (2)

2- Jesus is risen in glory,

Heaven and earth sang and praised,

And the angel told the story,

He is risen as He said. (2)

3- Mary Magdalene was looking,

In the garden for her Lord,

While Jesus Himself was telling,

Her to go and spread the word. (2)

4- All the disciples were praying,

They were really in great fear,

When Mary came to them saying,

He is risen, He is not here. (2)

5- While they were in the room,

Jesus Christ Himself appeared:

My peace I give to you,

And My peace with you I leave. (2)

6- But Thomas did not believe,

What the disciples have seen,

So Jesus again appeared,

Showed him the place of the spear. (2)

7- Tell the Marys no more mourning,

Among the dead do not seek,

For Jesus our Lord is living,

Giving power to the weak. (2)

8- Jesus my victorious Lord,

Conquered the powers of Hades,

And the thorn of death He broke,

My salvation he declared. (2)

9- The heavenly hosts were singing,

Welcoming our Glorious Lord,

And the joy is overwhelming,

He opened the doors of hope. (2)

10 Alleluia Alleluia, Risen is the Lord of peace,

Alleluia Alleluia, Truly He's risen indeed. (2)