Deborah the Judge


In this module we will learn about how God gave those who were true to His name bravery and strength to stand up for what is right. We will also introduce the book and concept of judges in the Old Testament.

In this lesson, children will learn about Deborah's courage and how God used her to save His people from their enemies. At the time of Deborah, the people of Israel didn't follow God's commandments and strayed away from Him. God allowed their enemies to go to war with them to teach them to trust in God and his messengers, like Deborah.


Have you ever watched a basketball game where the best player is expected to save the day but then the game is so close, the least known player comes in and scores the winning throw? It's amazing that sometimes the person whom no one would expect to be the one who saves the day and is the bravest.


Judges 4, 5

Memory Verse

"Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength." Judges 5:31

CONTENT (KEY POINTS) - 10-15 Minutes

Today we will learn about a very brave woman who led God's people to victory.

After Joshua died, the people of Israel would often leave God and do evil in His sight so He would allow them to fall in the hands of their enemies. But they would feel oppressed and defeated, they would cry out to God and God would then hear their cry and send them someone to save them out of their enemy's hand so they can turn to Him and this kept recurring.

Oftentimes, God would use someone that wasn't necessarily known, or strong and mighty but who had their heart set on following God amidst the evil nation. Deborah was one of those people. She was a woman close to God and He allowed her to prophecy (God would reveal things about to happen in the future).

She was also a judge for the Jewish people. She would sit under a palm tree and the people would come to her with their problems and questions and she would judge between them according to God's commandments. During this time the people were far from God and they were oppressed by Jabin the king of Canaan and the leader of his army was Sisera.

The people cried out to God and He heard them and revealed to Deborah that He would deliver them out of this oppression and give them victory over Jabin's army and their leader.

Deborah then called a man named Barak to lead ten thousand men against the Jabin's army and the Lord would be with him but Barak said, "And Barak said to her, 'If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go'" Judges 4:8

Deborah told him "I will surely go with you; nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman." Judges 4:9

The Canaanite army led by Sisera along with 900 iron chariots and all his men went towards where God told Deborah and Barak to go on mount Tabor and Deborah told Barak, "Up For this is the day in which the Lord has delivered Sisera into your hand. Has not the Lord gone out before you?" Judges 4:14. Barak and the men were able to overtake the army and Sisera ran away on foot. He turned into a tent of Hebner and his wife Jael. (they were from the sons of Moses' father in law) They let him in and gave him milk to drink and when he lay to rest Jael drove a peg through his forehead and it killed him. So God delivered His people at the hand of Jael by the guidance of Deborah.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5-10 Minutes

  • Who is Deborah? (prophetess and judge)
    • A woman who is close to God when a lot of people had turned away
  • Why did Barak not get the glory for the victory over Jabin's army?
  • By whose hand did God deliver the Jewish nation from Sisera?
  • What do we learn from Deborah and Jael?
    • Courage, trust in God, faith and being close to God and allowing Him to use us for His glory and to lead others.
  • Can discuss: Enemies of God's people were a symbol of sin (so when we choose to disobey God sometimes we become oppressed or enslaved to the sin and the only way to overcome it is by God's power and to defeat this sin)


How can we apply the story of Deborah to our life?

  • Trust that God can use us even when people don't expect it
  • Those who doubt will not get the glory prepared for them
  • Always stand up for the right thing and defend what is right
  • Know that it is God Who gives us the victory or the glory in everything that we do and not us on our own.

ACTIVITY - 5-10 Minutes

Craft - Make a Palm Tree

  • Bring in paper towel rolls and green & brown construction paper to make palm trees. Have the students cover the roll in brown paper. Then cut leafs of green paper, cutting fronds out (see template of palm leaf). Glue the end of the branch to the truck (roll). Now everyone has their own palm tree.
  • Palm Leaf Template


  • Judges 4,5
  • Fr. Tadros Malaty Book: Judges
  • Additional lesson/discussion ideas: Deborah Judges Israel
  • Visuals: Illustrations and slideshow
  • Old Testament Books Song - Missing Deuterocanonical books (Tobit and Judith from history books, Wisdom and Sirach from poetic books, Baruch, 1&2 Maccabees from prophetic books, and the Prayer of Manasseh)

  • Refer to the Old Testament Timeline attached for major events and chronological order through the Bible.


Read the Story of Deborah in Judges 4,5

Tell a story of a situation where you had to stand up for what is right maybe at work or with friends.