Samson the Judge
In this module we will learn about how God gave those who were true to His name bravery and strength to stand up for what is right. We will also introduce the book and concept of judges in the Old Testament.
In this lesson, children will learn about Samson and how God used him despite his fall, because he repented, like Jonah. Samson had the courage to sacrifice himself for the glory of God.
Please review the previous week's lesson about Deborah. (5 minutes)
Take a few minutes to talk about the strongest people students may know such as their dads, brothers, pro football players, policemen, military, etc. Ask the children what someone who is spiritually strong looks like. Can you tell just by looking at them? The Holy Spirit can not be seen, but the Bible says that He is with Jesus' followers and strengthens them.
Tell them that today we will be learning about how God comes alongside us and strengthens us by His Holy Spirit.
Judges 13-16
Memory Verse
"Then Samson called to the Lord, saying, "O Lord God, remember me, I pray Strengthen me, I pray, just this once..." Judges 16:28
Today we will learn about another judge of Israel. If you remember, the people of God sinned and the result of their sin was to be under the oppression of another nation. During this time after Joshua's death they had a series of judges who would judge between them.
Today we will learn about Samson.
His parents were not able to have children and then one day the angel of the Lord appeared to his mother and his father Manoah and he instructed her that she and the child should not drink wine, eat anything unclean, and no razor should come to the boy's head because he would be a nazirite to God.
His parents did as they were instructed. He grew and had seven locks of hair and the Spirit of the Lord would leap on him and give him extraordinary strength. He judged Israel for twenty years. He was also given very much physical strength. One time, he tore apart a lion with his bare hands. The next day, a swarm of bees had gathered around the lion's mouth, and Samson touched it to get honey from the bees hive. However, in Jewish tradition, touching the lion's carcass was considered unclean, but Samson wanted the honey, so he touched it anyway. (Remind the students that Samson was not to touch anything unclean).
He was destined to prepare deliverance from the Philistines. He wanted to marry a woman from the Philistines and during the wedding he told a riddle and if they could figure it out he would give them 30 linen cloths and 30 changes of clothing. Her people threatened her to trick him into telling her the answer and after she exhausted him he told her when she told them and he lost the deal he was angry and left to his father's house then her father gave her away to another man.
Samson was angry and took revenge on their camp. The Philistines set out to get Samson and his own people, Israelites, tied him up and gave him to the Philistines but God gave him strength and with a jaw bone of a donkey he killed a thousand men by the Spirit of God.
God showed him his weakness when he thirsted and almost died of thirst yet he cried to God and God heard him and broke open a hollow in the ground to bring forth water from it for him.
He loved another woman named Delilah and she was promised money by the Philistines to find out his strength and he tried to keep from telling her the secret of his strength until she wearied him with her request day after day and he finally told her. The Philistines took him and put out his eyes and made him grind grain in the prison house.
Samson's hair began to grow again and he repented and during a big party with all the leaders of the philistines where they brought him out to make fun of him he cried out to God and said "Lord, my Lord, remember me now, O God, strengthen me just this once" and God accepted his prayer and he pushed against two pillars that were holding up the house with all his strength and the house crumbles on top of everyone in it including Samson but God allowed him to deliver the Israelites from the hand of the Philistines in this way.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 10-15 Minutes
What were the requirements for Samson to follow as a Nazirite to the Lord?
- No wine (filled with Holy Spirit instead); no touching anything unclean, no razor to touch his head (never to cut his hair)
Did Samson follow them?
- The lion's carcass, his desire for Delilah (she was not his wife)
What was Samson's weakness and how did it almost cost him everything?
- Following his desires (letting Delilah deceive him)
What saved Samson in the end and allowed him to be used as an example of a hero of faith?
- His repentance, courage and trust in God to give him strength. Saint Paul mentions Samson as one of the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11.
We saw that Samson had the courage to attack the Philistines even when he had fallen as a result of his spiritual weakness. His courage to repent and ask God to give him strength allowed him to succeed in the end.
Do we have the courage to ask God for strength even if we make a mistake? Do we have the courage to stand up to sin and say no even when it seems ok to those around us?
Can we think of situations where we have to fight sin courageously?
ACTIVITY - 5-10 Minutes
See attachment
Fr. Tadros Malaty: The Book of Judges
Heroes of Faith Anba Youssef Video
Old Testament Books Song - Missing Deuterocanonical books (Tobit and Judith from history books, Wisdom and Sirach from poetic books, Baruch, 1&2 Maccabees from prophetic books, and the Prayer of Manasseh)
Refer to the Old Testament Timeline attached for major events and chronological order through the Bible.
Review the Story of Samson.
Review the verse and ask the children about what they learned from Samson's strengths and weaknesses.