

The objective for this grade is learn the books/categories of the Bible


    • Write books of the Old Testament on colored legos or boxes as shown in the image and video below. The servant may use a different color for each category of books.
    • Review the order of the books of the Old Testament by drilling or using a song (see video example)
    • Next, place the blocks or boxes in a pile and have the students work as a team to put them in order. (Two sets of blocks/boxes can be used and students can divided into two teams to compete)

    • Have all of the kids stand up in a line in the middle of the room.
    • Explain that you're going to call out a book of the Bible and if the book you call out is in the Old Testament they should take a step to their left and if it's in the New Testament they should take a step to their right.
    • If you have older kids in the group, challenge them with names that aren't books of the Bible and have them sit down on those names