St. Pachomius
The goal of this lesson is to learn about the life of Saint Pachomius and to learn from his story that God's love can turn even a Pagan into a great saint. God loves us and when we love Him with all our hearts, we become pure and holy and are filled with joy and virtues. Also, we need to understand that loving God means being in fellowship with Him in everything that we do, think and feel. We take an example from those who have a special desire to separate from the world to be united only with God.
Last week, we learned about Saint Mary's love for prayer and how she intercedes for us. Today we will learn about a special saint who established the communal life of prayer for monks and nuns. His name is Saint Pachomius.
Memory Verse
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" 1 Corinthians 2:9
LIFE OF THE SAINT - 15 Minutes
From the Synaxarion - Pashans 14 (May 9)
In the early days after Christ in the second and third centuries, people left the world to worship God in asceticism and peace, but they lived alone in most cases. Saint Pachomius was the first monk to establish a system for monks to live together in a life of prayer and community (kononia).
St. Pachomius was born in 290 to Pagan parents who worshiped idols. As a young child, however, he did not like idol worship but did not know God. When he was 20 years old, St. Pachomius was recruited as a soldier and as the soldiers were being deployed, they stopped in a city where Christian people came to them, took care of them and brought them refreshments in a loving way. He was told that those people did this act of mercy and love and showed kindness because of their love for Christ and hope for eternal life with Him.
He was so moved by the Spirit of God (who seeks everyone's salvation) and went to the side and prayed: "O Almighty God who made heaven and earth," he said, "if you will hearken to my prayer and show me how to order my life according to Your holy name, and free me from my oppressive shackles, then I pledge myself to Your service all the days of my life. I will turn my back on the world and cleave only to You."
He kept his promise to keep himself from the pleasures of the world during the war and when they won the war, he was released (God answered his prayer). He went to church in a village and became baptized after he learned in depth the Christian faith.
He met an anchorite named Saint Palaemon and learned about living deeply with Christ in the monastic life from him until he departed in peace. He then continued to strive in fasting, prayer, and growing in the virtues of love, humility, and self-control. His brother became a Christian also and prayed with him regularly until he completed his life on earth. St. Pachomius continued his life of prayer and fighting all worldly desires until an angel appeared to him three different times and instructed him to build cells (rooms) for monks who also wanted to live the same life of prayer, eating together, work and growing in the virtues in spiritual communion. He was their leader but served all of them preparing the meals, taking care of the sick, opening the door to visitors and even cleaning. He later on had a disciple named Theodore who documented much of what we know about him.
Freed from all earthly cares, monks and nuns emulate the holiness of the angels while still living in this mortal flesh.
St. Pachomius established what we call "communal monasticism" which is how most monasteries function today. He became known for this all over the world and his monastic rule given to him by God spread to the rest of the world.
He built 11 monasteries and there were nearly 7000 monks and nuns when he departed in 346 AD.
APPLICATION (Action) - 10 Minutes
- What can we learn from St. Pachomius?
- What do you think of his prayer to God?
- God answers prayers and wants everyone to be saved
- Song: "My Fathers the Monks of the Desert"
- Look at an icon of Saint Pachomius and pictures of the monasteries he established in Egypt.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes
- Saint Pachomus asked God to help him to live a life dedicated to him and God listened.
- This week let's ask God to help us with a particular sin or weakness that we have.
- Let's think of ways to consecrate (dedicate) ourselves to God in our words, ears, eyes, thoughts and feelings.
- Read with your child the life of St. Pachomius from the Synaxarion.
- Encourage the children to think of ways to give up an attachment to the world through prayer with the intercession of Saint Pachomius.