History Module


Church history helps us in many aspects. We get to know our church teachings from our church fathers' lives, quotes, and experiences. It helps us to better understand the Bible. When we follow church fathers, saints, and monks' paths, it is considered as a roadmap toward the Kingdom of Heaven. Church history helps us equip ourselves with correct teachings to resist any wrong teachings and defend our faith. Also, we become immersed in the Bible and church history to drive away every temptation.


The objective of the church history module for Grade 5 is to understand the beginning of Christian literature and the establishment of our theology.


Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for each lesson.

  • Week 1: School of Alexandria - Pantaenus (1)
  • Week 2: The School of Alexandria - Clement, Origen (3)
  • Week 3: School of Alexandria - Didymus (2) ​
  • Week 4: Monks and Monasteries
  • Capstone Activity


  • Scripture: Students should be aware that as Orthodox Christians we rely on the teachings of the church fathers to augment the Holy Scripture and teach us what it means.
  • Spiritual: Students should understand that they need to always be growing in knowledge about our religious theology to help them to know and love God.
  • Social: Students should learn that despite social pressures, they should never be afraid or ashamed of their Christianity, and to defend it proudly.
  • Rituals: Students should be aware that our church traditions and rituals have been passed down hundreds of years and are kept the same to preserve the authenticity of our Orthodox Church.