Preparation for Liturgy


There is no greater comfort in this world than knowing that our Lord united us with Himself through the Holy Sacraments, especially Holy Communion in the Divine Liturgy. We are blessed to be called members of the Body of Christ, with Christ as the head, called to celebrate the Divine Liturgy together. In this unit, we will develop the understanding of 5th graders on the initiation, unity, and function of the Body of Christ centered on the Divine Liturgy.


Lead the class in stretches as if you are warming up for a race or game. Give them a coach-like "pep talk" to prepare for the race/game.

After 5 min of stretching and jogging in place, remind them that it is very important to prepare for a big game. You have to practice drills, techniques, and actual game plays before thinking about a match against another team.

The same preparation is needed for coming to Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Remember that the word, liturgy, means "the work of the people". In a way, we must "stretch" before we come to Church. We must come prepared mentally, spiritually, and physically to Divine Liturgy.


Key passages can be found throughout the lesson

CONTENT (Key Points) - 20 Minutes

The Day Before...

  • Read the Gospel and Bible readings that are scheduled for Sunday. (Mental Prep)
  • Attend Vespers. Sing psalms, hymns, spiritual songs (Eph 5:19) together with your family and friends. (Spiritual Prep) (Remind them to avoid late night movies on Saturday night, but instead to end the night with prayers and hymns.)
    • "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody on your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Eph 5:19-20
  • See your Father of Confession once a month to receive confession. Examine your conscience. If you are upset with anyone, or if anyone is upset with you, then make every effort to reconcile before the Divine Liturgy. (Spiritual Prep)
  • Eat a healthy dinner and drink lots of water. Get enough rest the night before. (Physical Prep)
  • Prepare what you will wear in the morning. (Physical Prep)

Sunday Morning - Take Enough Time...

  • To clean and dress yourself appropriately for meeting the Lord. (Physical Prep) Remind the children that they are entering a holy union with the Lord and with the Body of Christ. Give them imagery of a Palace and proper attire for meeting the King. Also remind them that we are like the angels standing before the throne of the Lord. The angels cover themselves -- they are our example of humility and modesty in front of the Lord.
  • To avoid conflicts with family. (Mental Prep)
    • 1 Timothy 2:8 "I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling"
  • To read Psalms on the way to church. Psalm 121, Psalm 26:4-5, Psalm 64:4 (Spiritual Prep)
  • To arrive on time (Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Prep) Encourage your family to arrive on time and together.
  • To use the bathroom before entering the Church, not during the Divine Liturgy. (Physical Prep)

When you Enter...

  • Make the sign of the cross, read Psalm 83 and Psalm 5:7 "But as for me, according to the multitude of Your mercy, I shall enter Your house; I shall worship before Your holy temple in Your fear." (Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Prep)
  • Kiss the icons and light candles. (Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Prep)
  • Be prepared to receive Holy Communion. (Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Prep)

Bring with you...

  • Nothing that will sound off that will distract you or others. (Physical Prep)
  • A contribution that represents a planned, proportionate, sacrificial offering in thanksgiving to God. (Physical Prep)
  • List of your prayers for you and for others (Physical Prep)

During Liturgy...

  • Keep your eyes focused on the altar. (Physical Prep)
  • Keep your thoughts on the service. If you find your thoughts wandering, turn your thoughts up to God as prayers. For example, if I'm thinking about who I'm going to play a game with after church, I will send a prayer to God asking Him to bless my game time and bless my friends. If I'm feeling worried about school, I will send God a prayer asking Him to take away my worry. If I'm jealous of someone, I will ask God to help me see the good talents He has given this person. (Mental Prep)
    • 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast your cares on Him for He cares for You."
  • Follow along with a book and participate in singing the hymns. Remember that We Are One Body In Christ (Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Prep)
  • When you take Holy Communion, take the time (at least 10 min) to have a conversation with our Lord Jesus. He is your friend and He wants to hear from you (Mental and Spiritual Prep)

LIFE APPLICATION (Action) - 10 Minutes

Preparation for the Divine Liturgy a very important part of being a part of the Body of Christ. We all need to work together and encourage one another as a team. With teamwork, the Body of Christ becomes stronger.

Practice some of the above "stretches" together to gain Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Preparation for Divine Liturgy.

In the last few minutes, we can also talk about the importance of silence. How it helps us to focus on prayer. What do we do when someone breaks this silence (laughing, joking, talking, etc.). Speak about silent (inaudible) prayers during the divine liturgy and how we can benefit during these times (offer individual prayers and prayers for others). How we can introduce the final segment of prayer with a few minutes in silence. Concluding with a short prayer after this extended silence.

ACTIVITY - 5 Minutes

  • Sing a song together -- "We Are One Body In Christ" - See lyrics here
  • Pick a Psalm to memorize this week. -- Psalm 121, Psalm 26:4-5, Psalm 64:4 - See attached activities for a printable version of Psalm 121
  • Make a Practice Chart for each child to take home.
  • Make an ostrich egg, and decorate it with an icon, verse or whatever each child seems appropriate. Hang it where they pray in their own room.


We need your help Today's lesson was about preparation for Divine Liturgy. We've compared these practices to preparing for a race or game. It really works with repetition and follow through Help us help your children to engrain these practices to become habits.

(Consider giving the parents a handout of this lesson for reference.)