The objective for this grade is to develop the understanding of 5th graders on the initiation, unity, and function of the Body of Christ centered on the Divine Liturgy.
OPTION 1 - Lego Building
- Blind Builder -- A player is blindfolded and must construct an item solely from verbal directions from the team. First team to complete it wins.
- Blind LEGO Construction -- Blindfold each team and ask them to build a Lego sculpture using a pile of Lego pieces in front of them. Give awards for the most like a real object, funniest, tallest, longest, most creative, etc
- LEGO Me -- Have youth select a specific lego piece that represents them as an individual and explain its significance. Then have them use all the pieces to build one object.
After doing one of the above activities, discuss the following about how a Lego set is like the Body of Christ
- Made up of many parts.
- Christ is the cornerstone
- The parts fit together to make a whole
- If one part is missing, the whole suffers -- to be complete they need each other
- No piece is more important than the others.
- Some relationships are closer than others
- Together they form a picture / object
- Without instructions or a picture, it's difficult to know what it's forming
- The pieces support each other
- Each piece is different / unique
- Each piece is identified by where it fits into the whole
- Some pieces are easily identified, but not more important
Make it personal: How can we learn where we belong in the church and the role we each should fill? Have the students think about the talents God gave them and how they can use them as members of the Body of Christ.
OPTION 2 - What's Missing?
- Bring or show a variety of items to the students. Items should have multiple components, but be missing one critical one. Have the students try to use the items, without telling them that something is wrong. Have them identify what is missing and how it affected the function of the item. Below are some examples:
- Stapler without staples
- Mechanical pencil without lead
- Flashlight without batteries
- Pen without ink cartridge
- Discuss with the students that without each component, the item is not complete and cannot function properly. In the Body of Christ, each part is important and they all work together in unity.
- Make it personal: How can we learn where we belong in the church and the role we each should fill? Have the students think about the talents God gave them and how they can use them as members of the Body of Christ.
OPTION 3 - Body of Christ Puzzle
- Online: Send each student a link to the following puzzle, or share your screen and have the students help you complete it as a team.
- In class: Prior to doing the capstone, upload and print a puzzle using a service such as Shutterfly or Zazzle and bring it to class. Depending on the number of students, give each student some of the puzzle pieces and have them take turns trying to lay them out to create the image.
- Afterwards, have a discussion on how we as members are each like one piece of the puzzle. The image cannot be complete without each single one fitting and working together. We come together to form the Body of Christ.