Responsibility: Church & Society
By the end of the module, children will be able to love being holy and practice their sense of listening to recognize the voice of our Shepherd, The Lord, Jesus Christ. By the end of this lesson, children will be able to gain a sense of responsibility toward church and society.
Please review the previous week's lesson. (5 minutes)
Opening Game
Let's play a game where you all have to work together.
This game can work only for in-person class: Balloon Bounce: Have children in groups of 4 or 5. Give each group 2 balloons (different colors if possible). Team inflates and ties off the balloons. Standing in a circle, children hold hands. Two players hold the balloons. The team bounces the balloons in the air without letting go of their hands. Children may use hands, heads, elbows, or feet to keep the balloon afloat. When the team feels confident, they may release the second balloon and try to keep two balloons in the air at once. If a balloon lands on the ground, players must pick it up without letting go of their hands.
Keeping the balloon in the circle meant that everyone had to work together. It would be much harder to keep the balloon in the circle if you didn't have help.
For Zoom class, see the attachment folder. Print out We Are All One Body In Christ Puzzle Activity. Use the template based on the number of children and servants in your class. Write the names of all the children and servants in the class. Then write the names of priests, deacons, and other servants serving in your church.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 - Unity and Diversity in One Body
Memory Verse "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
How does the game connect to the lesson? Refer to the game and explain that each one of us is a very important piece to complete the puzzle. Similarly, we are members in the one body, the body of Jesus Christ. Each member has its own use. In the same way in church, one person cannot give sermons, teach Sunday School, clean, lead meetings, take care of the finances, visit the sick and elderly, and basically keep the church running alone. God has given everyone in the church a job to do and when everyone works together and does their part it pleases our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ made each of us special with a special talent, and we need to be thankful for that. If each one does his/her own part, then the church operates in the Lord smoothly and vice versa. The Bible says, "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it." 1 Corinthians 12: 26.
My Responsibility Towards My Church
What can you do to be part of your church?
H.H. Pope Shenouda III, blessed memory, said, "Every person can serve according to their talents. People can serve in so many areas: caring for the sick, solving problems, tutoring, being a good example, and so on. As for people who do not serve at all, they are neglecting their obligation towards their brothers and sisters. This is a sin and should be confessed to their spiritual Father, because this means that their love for God, His kingdom and His children is incomplete."
What is our Lord, Jesus Christ's will for us?
Our Lord, Jesus Christ chose us to have responsibility toward our church, and He promised us to help us in it. "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." John 15:14. Does our Lord Jesus need our service in the church? No. Then why did He ask us to take responsibility for a role in the church? He wants us to enjoy His relationship.
Responsibilities of Church Members
- It is important to be a happy helper at church.
- Remember, everyone who is a church member needs to also be a church servant or helper.
- You have a place in the church and you can make a difference In the previous lesson, we learned that everyone is different and that our Lord Jesus gave everyone different skills to complete each other in the body of Christ. We should use our talents to serve the church.
- The Church is the body of Christ and each one of us plays an important part in keeping this body healthy and functioning well, and even revealing our Lord Jesus to the society around us. When we help and serve within the Church, we are proving ourselves to be a necessary part of this body.
- Remember, it doesn't matter how big or small our role is. What matters most is that I faithfully use my talent.
What are things that you can do at the church to help?
Discuss with the class.
My Responsibility Towards My Society
What about our responsibility toward our society? Remember the story of the Good Samaritan? A man was travelling from Jericho to Jerusalem and got beaten until he was left in a very bad shape. Many refused to take responsibility and help. Do you remember who refused to help? A priest and a Levite walked by and ignored him. Would you consider them responsible citizens? We see that a non-citizen, a Samaritan, decided to take care of him. Did you know that the Jews and the Samaritans were enemies at that time? This is what The Lord Jesus Christ is expecting from His children. God wants us to care about every person in the society.
What are things that you can do in society to help?
Discuss with the class. It could be as simple as helping a neighbor or letting an older person go ahead of you in line.
Other Examples:
- Follow the rules and obey laws at school, home and in your community.
- Respect authority such as police officers and other community helpers.
- Participate in activities to improve your community and the environment, e.g., pick up litter, recycle, and plant trees and flowers.
- Be a good neighbor and volunteer to help others.
- Donate food or clothing to help someone in need.
- Use kind words and good manners in all situations.
Why do I have responsibilities toward the society that I live in?
As we discussed, each one of us is a part of our Lord Jesus' body. That means we are wonderfully made. We also know that we are made in His image. Do we have any responsibilities toward this image? Yes, while there might be many, please focus on keeping our Lord Jesus' body and image healthy and clean (focus on the topic at hand). Yes, we need to clean our bodies inside out not only by being holy (inside) but also by taking regular showers and wearing clean clothes (outside). If you are clean, then you can keep our Lord Jesus's body clean as well.
How do you feel when you've accomplished something for the church or society?
The Joy of Giving: our Lord wants us to use our gifts to help others. Everytime you serve at the church or help our community, you feel joy within. Giving is self-rewarding.
A good example of someone who took responsibility at church at a young age is St. Mary.
DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes
- What are the different roles that various people fill in the church?
- What is your direct responsibility at the church?
- How do you feel when you've accomplished something for the church or society?
- Being a part of society, what is your responsibility toward your own body ?
- Train our ears to discern when the Holy Spirit in us is speaking to us, slow down, listen carefully, refer to the words of the Holy Spirit in the scripture, and pray to the Lord Jesus to give us strength to listen to His word. Do not wait for your parents or teachers to ask you to do something. Prove to them that you are a reliable person. Remember they are the authority figures The Lord Jesus put in your life to guide you to do according to His will. Remember, "Be holy, for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16.
- Start by choosing one responsibility at church and one in society. Start making a difference and step up. When you become good at those two, start choosing a different one, and so on.
ACTIVITY - 7 Minutes (embedded)
Fill out the puzzle as a whole group during the lesson.
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
- Ephesians 2:10
- 1 Corinthians 12: 26
- 1 Peter 1:16
- The Spiritual Ministry by H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Children thrive on praise so while encouraging them to be responsible, shower the child with honest praise. Pray together and ask The Lord Jesus Christ to give you wisdom to identify your talents, use them wisely to honor His Name at church and in society, and give you strength to make the right choice at the right time.