By now, children should have developed the concept of loving being holy and practicing their ears to listen and discern the voice of our Shepherd, The Lord, Jesus Christ. The purpose of this capstone is to emphasize the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in them, humble themselves, and obey God's commandments, one at a time.
You may start the lesson by playing musical chairs with music for in person class. For Zoom, you may modify the game by having children stand up in front of the camera and free move in place. Once the music stops, they should freeze. After the game, you may make connections to the objective of the lesson. The music stands for the Holy Spirit. We should be listening carefully to the Holy Spirit in our lives and follow our Lord Jesus Christ's commandments.
Modification: You may challenge them and ask them to have to get themselves off the ground except for their hands. Do not allow any furniture to be used. The simple solution is to crouch on the ground and stand on your own fingers/hands If someone wasn't able to do this once the music is off, he/she is out of the game. If the children catch onto the crouching position, you may reset the task asking them to find another way.
7 Day Gratitude Challenge
- Become aware of ALL of the things that make your life easier. Each day create a habit of writing down 5 NEW things that you are grateful for. (Ex: car, heat, your home, towels, hot water, food, etc.
- Each day write down one new person that you are grateful for and list why.
- Each day make a phone call or text one of the following: parents, family members, priests, decons, servants, teachers, school staff, policemen, firemen,...etc to thank them.
Please share the google slides found in the link below with children and have them fill it out daily. Encourage them to return to you for accountability. A PDF version is also attached below.