

The objective for this grade is to learn about the lives of the saints and apply their teachings and lifestyle to our own with our families. We are all one family with Christ and we support and encourage one another. Also we are to understand the importance of ancestors, the saints. Their teachings are very important, without them we would not be where we are today. We must learn from them and incorporate their teaching for our continual growth. This age group enjoys helping and likes to be noticed for their helpfulness We would like to encourage this inherent nature in fifth graders and show them how they are like the great saints that are known for giving. These saints took the Lord's commandment to help the poor as a purpose for their Christian lives.


  • Skits
    • Divide the class into 4 groups.
    • Each group will be assigned a saint that they learn about from each week (St. Abraam, St. Verena, St. Basil, & St. Nicholas)
      • Each group will be responsible for giving a 7-10 minute presentation of the life of the saint, who they are, what their life was about, their lessons, and how we can learn from them and benefit from their lessons on how they serve and follow Christ.