

Orthodox Spirituality is a complex subject that develops slowly over a lifetime. This module aims to teach the disciplines of spirituality as we practice them in the Orthodox Church. Fifth graders are concrete thinkers and may have a difficulty grasping the invisible. Also, at this age they enjoy and want to be part of a group. This module aims to guide them to understand spiritual concepts through development of communal group practices of the Church. Every week of this module will focus on how the physical and spiritual are connected.


Open the lesson with this activity demonstrating how God's grace changes the material world through sanctification

  • Bring in waffles and syrup. Demonstrate the texture and taste of the waffle by itself. Now soak the waffle in syrup. Notice how the waffle changes color, texture, shape, taste, smell.
  • The syrup is like the grace of God. It flows over us and penetrates our souls and bodies. The waffle changes permanently with the syrup, and likewise, we permanently change with God's grace.
  • A saint's body is soaking in God's grace. Their holy relics are different from regular bodies because the grace remains. The body is good and is to be treated with respect and love. Some saints' relics exude a sweet smelling fragrance or myrrh. We venerate the relics by touching and kissing them.


Together, read these Bible passages. Help the children find these passages in their Bibles. Read these examples of how God uses material things for sanctification

  • The Lord Jesus healed the bleeding woman -- Mark 5:25-34
  • Shadow of St. Peter, handkerchief and apron of St. Paul healing the sick -- Acts 5:15, Acts 19:11-12
  • Elisha's bones restored a dead man to life -- 2 Kings 13:21
  • Oil streaming icon of St Mary in the church of St. Pishoy, Port Said, Egypt (1990 -- present)
  • Holy Oil sanctifying and consecrating altar and vessels of the altar
  • Water of Baptism, Holy Chrismation

CONTENT (Key Points) - 10 Minutes

God created the world that we see around us and He created everything and said that, "it is GOOD." The Lord uses our material world to transfer His holiness to us. The following are examples:

  • Consecrated items are set apart for God. Through God's grace, these items transfer God's holiness to heal and help those in need. God uses these vessels to transfer His holiness to us. Examples of consecrated items are Icons, the Cross, the Altar, Holy Oil, the Bible, etc.. We venerate these items by kissing them and bowing before them.
  • Why do we venerate relics of saints? We are not born holy, but are sanctified during Baptism and Holy Chrismation. Over time, Christians put themselves in a place to be transformed by God's grace. This happens through a life of prayer, fasting, participation in the sacraments, reading the Bible, asceticism, love of God, etc.
  • How do we become sanctified? Can we become holy? We become holy by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, especially within the sacraments. God transforms us continually through the sacraments. In baptism we receive the new nature; in Chrismation we receive the Holy Spirit. In repentance and confession, we receive absolution for our sins through the work of the Holy Spirit through the priest.
    • In Eucharist, we receive the body and blood and are united to God once again. Are we holy already? First let's take a look at what the priest does in order to sanctify the gifts. He must prepare the altar for the service. This happens by praying Vespers, Matins, reading the Word of God, praying the rites of the liturgy, absolving himself and the congregation. We become holy by preparing ourselves in the same manner. God called us to be holy God called us to be His saints

The devil uses all sorts of practices to disrupt our relationship with God. This includes voodoo, sorcery, etc. Children should not take these things lightly.

Note -- Child might ask about popular wands or magic, which would be an appropriate extrapolation on this topic. If this comes up, remind them that the devil also uses materials to connect to our physical world. The Holy Spirit lives inside of us and protects us from evil. As Christians, we use the sign of the cross and our work of sanctification.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

Preparation is the first step to sanctification, or becoming holy. Today and this coming week, prepare for Holy Communion by singing hymns, reading the Psalms on the way to church, attending Vespers and Matins, praying the Thanksgiving prayer, read the weekly reading before attending liturgy, listen to the reading attentively during liturgy, don't argue with friends or family before liturgy.

ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes

Time the children for a fun game on finding verses about holiness in the Bible. Find these verses then write them in your notebooks:

  1. Leviticus 11:44 "For I am the Lord your God
  2. Leviticus 11:45
  3. Leviticus 19:2
  4. Leviticus 20:26
  5. 1 Peter 1:16
  6. Leviticus 20:7
  7. 1 Peter 1:15
  8. Leviticus 21:8
  9. Deuteronomy 23:14
  10. John 17:19 "And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the Truth."


"Consecration," Raising Saints podcast on Ancient Faith Radio


You are raising saints This unit, we are covering spirituality and specifically how the physical and spiritual are connected. Today we spoke about becoming holy. We become holy by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, especially within the sacraments. God transforms us continually through the sacraments. In baptism we receive the new nature; in Chrismation we receive the Holy Spirit. In repentance and confession, we receive absolution for our sins through the work of the Holy Spirit through the priest. In Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord and are united to God once again. Remind your children daily of our work to become sanctified