Fasting and Prayer


Orthodox Spirituality is a complex subject that develops slowly over a lifetime. This module aims to teach the disciplines of spirituality as we practice them in the Orthodox Church. Fifth graders are concrete thinkers and may have a difficulty grasping the invisible. Also, at this age they enjoy and want to be part of a group. This module aims to guide them to understand spiritual concepts through development of communal group practices of the Church. Every week of this module will focus on how the physical and spiritual are connected.


Open the lesson with a demonstration of Static Electricity, using a balloon and tissue paper.

  • Rub the balloon on someone's hair and see the hair rise towards the balloon
  • Then use the balloon to pick up the tissue paper without touching it. Without getting into a science lesson, explain to the children that the reason the hair and tissue paper move towards the balloon without touching it is because of the movement of electrons or electricity which they can't see.
  • Discuss other things that we witness the reaction to but can't see the cause (ex: wind, heat, affection, freedom...)
  • Explain that fasting and praying are something that we do that creates an invisible energy, like electricity..


Read together these Bible passages. Help the children find these passages in their Bibles

  • Jesus fasted and prayed to teach us how and when to fast and pray
  • Moses fasted and prayed
  • Daniel fasted and prayed
  • Apostles fasted and prayed before making decisions and before Missionary work (Acts 13)

CONTENT (Key Points) - 15 Minutes

Remember how we created static electricity in the balloon by rubbing it against something. We did something physical to the balloon (rubbing it against someone's hair) and it produced a result that was invisible (static electricity), that then created an ability that wasn't there before (the balloon picked up tissue paper without touching it).

Our spiritual life works the same way. We do something physical like fast and pray, and through God's grace it produces an ability to connect with God, which then creates the ability to perform the works of the Holy Spirit We build a very special relationship with our Lord.

  • Fasting teaches us God gives us all things. We need God more than we need food.
  • Fasting teaches us self-control. When we get into the habit of saying no to certain foods, we train our bodies. Likewise, it will be easier to say no to certain temptations and we can more easily control our words, our thoughts, and our actions.
  • Fasting gives us more time to pray. When our meals are simple, we have more time. This extra time should be filled with prayer, singing hymns, reading the Psalms. Be careful and mindful of what we fill our extra time with.
  • When we fast and pray together, we are following the example of Christ. This helps us live God's way.

DISCUSSION (Challenge) - 5 Minutes

When and why do we fast together as one church?

  • Wednesdays (to remember when Judas betrayed Jesus) and Fridays ( to remember when Jesus was crucified).
  • During Great Lent and Holy Week -- in preparation for Feast of the Resurrection
  • Before the Feast of the Apostles (July 12)
  • Before The Feast of the Assumption of St. Mary (Aug 22)
  • Before Nativity (Jan 7)

APPLICATION (Action) - 5 Minutes

Get into the habit of fasting and prayer. What is a habit? How can we make this habit of fasting and prayer stick? Keep a journal - ask your father of concession when and how to begin journaling. This could be during Great Lent, Pascha, on Wednesdays & Fridays, etc.


Our Lord Jesus said in Matt 6:5,16 "When you fast..." and "When you pray...". Notice that He said "when", not "if". Fasting and prayer are standard practices that the Lord expects that we will do, and instructs us on how to do them effectively. God instructed the Israelites on what to abstain from eating to distinguish them as a people from all the rest. Fasting and praying as a family is most effective in learning how to follow our Lord's commandments effectively.