The Sign of the Cross
Orthodox Spirituality is a complex subject that develops slowly over a lifetime. This module aims to teach the disciplines of spirituality as we practice them in the Orthodox Church. Fifth graders are concrete thinkers and may have a difficulty grasping the invisible. Also, at this age they enjoy and want to be part of a group. This module aims to guide them to understand spiritual concepts through development of communal group practices of the Church. Every week of this module will focus on how the physical and spiritual are connected
- Review the previous lessons of the physical and spiritual connected
- Introduce the topic "The Power of the Sign of the Cross"
- Take a moment to remind students that we make the sign of the Cross with 3 fingers together and with large and purposeful gestures.
- Long ago during Roman era, the Cross was the most repulsive sign in the world. It was a sign of public humiliation and disgrace.
- However, since Jesus was crucified on it, the Cross took on new meaning of the power and beauty of salvation.
- Ask students to list what the Cross means now and review together.
- Examples: power over death, humility of our Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrificial love, mercy to sinners, salvation.
Read these Synaxarion passages together. Help the children find these passages in the Synaxarion
- St. George -- Sign of the Cross on cup of poison with his hands then with his head
- St. Anthony - Keeping the devil away with the Sign of the Cross. (See commentary in Resources)
1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
APPLICATION (Action) - 5 Minutes
The Sign of the Cross that we make on ourselves or that we wear is an outward sign of our inner devotion. The Cross is our power in spiritual warfare. It's important to make the sign of the Cross daily over our food, drink, work, studies, and ourselves as well.
ACTIVITY - 10 Minutes
Have the students act out the story of St. George and the story of St. Anthony.
- Life of St. Anthony, by St. Athanasius
You are raising saints This unit, we are covering spirituality and specifically how the physical and spiritual are connected. Today we spoke about the power of the Cross. Remind them to make the Sign of the Cross daily. Make sure they see you making the Sign of the Cross as well. Remind your children daily of our work to become sanctified
- Book recommendation: From I-ville to You-ville