Orthodox Spirituality is a complex subject that develops slowly over a lifetime. This module aims to teach the disciplines of spirituality as we practice them in the Orthodox Church. Fifth graders are concrete thinkers and may have a difficulty grasping the invisible. Also, at this age they enjoy and want to be part of a group. This module aims to guide them to understand spiritual concepts through development of communal group practices of the Church. Every week of this module will focus on how the physical and spiritual are connected.
- Game for Fasting and Prayer - Give Up/Fill Up

- 2 paper/plastic solo cups per child
- 1 copy of the Give Up/Fill Up slips per child
- Scissors
- Markers (to label the cups)
Here's how it works:
Give each kid two plastic cups; one labeled "GIVE UP" and one labeled "FILL UP" and a set of "Give Up, Fill Up" strips. Give them scissors and have them cut their strips apart.
Tell them to put the "Give up" strips in the Give Up cup and the "Fill up" strips in the Fill Up cup.

When we fast, we give up something that we don't need, so we can focus on God.
Fill up your cup next
During fasting, we can increase our...
- dependence on Him
- faith
- strength in the Lord as we resist and deny ourselves
When we get rid of some of the distractions in our lives, we make room for God to pour Himself into our lives and we can grow closer to Him. God will fill us with His love, His strength and His power.
- Discuss: How would your relationship with God change if you made time to connect with Him and pray to Him every day?