Liturgy Module
Students will gain a deeper understanding of the different parts of The Holy Liturgy and its symbolism as it correlates to Scripture.
Please read through all of the lessons in this module in preparation for this lesson.
- Week 1: Raising of the Incense Vespers: Matins/Vespers.
- Week 2: The Offertory and The Preparatory
- Week 3: The Liturgy of the Word
- Week 4: The Liturgy of the Faithful
- Capstone Activity
- Scripture: The entire Liturgy from Vespers, Matins, Liturgy of the Word, and Liturgy of the Faithful is entirely drawn from the Holy Bible. All sections contain direct quotations or summarizations of the scripture.
- Spiritual: As the Priest prepares the altar, we ought to prepare our inner souls for accepting the Christ in ourselves through His Body and His Blood and prepare our hearts to be spiritual altars for offering the spiritual sacrifice of praise.
- Social: The more we understand the actions within the Liturgy, the more we appreciate the Church's rites. We will enjoy and be able to appreciate the liturgy on a much deeper level if we know what is happening and why.
- Rituals: Just as we ask God to forgive our sins, the priest does the same and confesses his sins and asks God to grant him the power of the Holy Spirit. When the priest recites psalms like Psalm 29, it's a declaration of God's kingship of his church. Also, when the priests wrap the Lamb in a white linen napkin (veil), we may contemplate on Christ's incarnation