Matins and Vespers


Students will be able to understand the main parts of the prayers of Vespers and Matins, the meaning behind some of the symbolism, and how they are connected to Biblical scripture and practice. Students will also understand the prayers in which incense is used during the "Raising of Incense."


Hook: Create a bubble chart of the three main topics (Incense, Vespers, and Matins) to be discussed and ask the student what they already know about each.

Transition to the lesson: All items used during the Holy Liturgy have a specific and symbolic use and meaning. We notice that all items are used for the worship of God through the Liturgy. Today, we will be able to understand the main parts of the prayers of Vespers and Matins, the meaning behind some of the symbolism, and how they are connected to Biblical scripture and practice. Students will also understand the prayers in which incense is used during the "raising of incense."

Introduction: The use of incense in the church is a Biblical fact which represents the prayers and praises of the saints and angels, as seen in Revelation 8:3;

  • "Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. And he was given much incense, that he should offer it, with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne."

The Raising of Incense is an introduction and preparation for the Liturgy, consisting of a collection of prayers, praises and Thanksgiving prayers which request the Lord's blessings upon the sacramental service. The Raising of Incense may be performed on its own, not just as an introduction to the Liturgy, but as an offer of the sacrifices of prayer and praise to God through its sweet incense.


"Let my prayer be set before You as incense, The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice." Psalm 141:2

Create a verse "four-square" (folding a paper into four equal parts) in which the the four squares are completed in the following manner:

  • Square 1: The actual verse itself in artistic writing.
  • Square 2: The citation and what technique they will use to memorize the citation: For example, Psalm 141:2 (I will remember 141, two ones give me the verse number 2).
  • Square 3: A simple drawing that represents the verse.
  • Square 4: Write a few sentences to describe your understanding and feelings about the verse.


Lesson Delivery Tips: Servant will demonstrate the use Brace Maps ( -{= ) to describe each of the sections of the lesson and students are to do the same for the sections below:

  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • The Litany of the Departed and Sick, and Travelers
  • Prayer of Efnoti Nai Nan
  • The Litany of the Gospel and the Gospel Reading
  • The Five Short Litanies
  • The Absolutions

Use visuals while giving the lesson to keep students engaged:

  • Video analysis
  • Activity, Cards, Flip Books, etc.
  • Demonstration, Illustration, or Experimentation

The Raising of Incense Prayers or Matins is broken down in the following way:

  1. Thanksgiving Prayer
  2. The Litany
  3. The Prayer of Efnoti Nai Nan
  4. The Litany of Gospel & The Gospel Reading
  5. The Five Short Litanies
  6. The Absolutions

Opening the Curtain of the Sanctuary

  • The priest opens the curtain of the sanctuary from left to right symbolizing our transfer from the left side to the right side by the work of redemption of the Lord Christ.
  • The priest says,while opening the curtain, "Have mercy on us, O God the Father, the Pantocrator. O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, God of hosts, be with us, for we have no helper in our hardships and tribulations but You."
  • Then, the priest prostrates before the altar and before the congregation (asking for their forgiveness ) as per the commandment, "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses." (Mark 11:25)

Thanksgiving Prayer:

  • The priest stands outside the sanctuary holding a cross in his right hand.
  • After finishing the Thanksgiving Prayer, the priest steps inside the altar and makes the sign of the cross on the incense box three times (in the name of the Trinity) and puts five spoonfuls of incense in the censer.
  • These five spoonfuls are symbols of the five men in the Old Testament who offered acceptable sacrifices to God.
    • n.b. There are some variations of this symbolism in different resources. This is one interpretation of the symbolism of the 5 spoons.
  • After putting the spoonfuls of incense, the priest takes the censer and makes three complete processions around the altar and the deacon holding a cross proceeds before him.
  • During these processions, the priest prays for The peace of the Church, The Church fathers, The assemblies.
  • After this, the priest comes out of the sanctuary and offers incense in the likeness of a cross before the altar.
  • During this, the congregation chants the Verses of the Cymbals in which we offer greetings to all the heavenly hosts and to the church, the house of the angels.

The Litany

  • In the evening raising of incense (vespers), the priest prays the Litany for the departed as the evening symbolizes the setting of the sun and the approaching end of our life on earth.
  • We notice during the procession that the priest offers incense before the main gate of the altar, before the Gospels on the Mangalia, the relics of the saints, the bishop (if he is in the Church), other priests, and the icons of the saints.
  • The procession of the incense takes place in a counterclockwise direction as a symbol that in the Church we are above time and the movement of the Church is opposite that of the world.
  • This procession of incense symbolizes that of Aaron by which he blessed the people and stopped the plague among them (Numbers 16).
  • We notice that when the priest offers incense before the Gospel, he does this by putting the palm of his hand on the Gospel, followed by the back of his hand, and the palm once more before kissing it. This means that we give honor to the Gospel from within (the palm) and without (the back of the hand) and even more so from within meaning our heart and soul.
  • The Litany for the departed is also prayed in the Matins of Saturdays as we remember the presence of the Lord in the tomb.
  • In the Matins of Monday to Friday, the priest prays the litanies for the sick and the travelers.
  • In the Matins of Sundays and the Lord's feasts, the priest prays the litanies for the sick and the oblations and not the travelers as everyone should be at the Church on these days bringing their offerings and oblations.
  • The priest prays the Litany for the Oblations at the altar as the offerings are considered a sacrifice.

The Prayer of efnoti nai nan (Lord Have Mercy on us)

  • The three candles on the cross indicate that the One who was crucified was the light of the world.
  • The prayer starts and concludes towards the East as it is directed towards God requesting His mercy and forgiveness.
  • The left side (north) denotes rejection, that is why the priest while facing north, says, "hear us."
  • Looking towards the congregation (west), he pleads for blessing for all the people.
  • The right side (south) reminds us of God's mighty hand, that is why the priest prays "keep us".

The Litany of the Gospel and Gospel Reading

  • At the end of the Litany, the deacon enters the sanctuary first followed by the priest.
  • Both of them make a procession around the altar and the priest takes the Gospel from the deacon while praying inaudibly, " Lord, now You are letting your servant depart in peace, according to Your word..." (Luke 2:29-31)
  • The procession around the altar symbolizes the spread of the word of God around the world.
  • The Prayer of Simeon the elder recited by the priest during the procession symbolizes the end of the Old Testament, which Simeon represented, and marks the beginning of the New Testament with the birth of the Savior.
  • During the reading, two deacons hold two candles on either side of the Gospel.
  • Lighting the candles on either side of the Gospel reminds us of the psalmist David when he said, "Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path" (Psalm 109:105)
  • Raising incense before the Gospel symbolizes the life of the Lord Christ which spread everywhere as a sweet savor of incense: "Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth" (Song of Solomon 1:3)

The Five Short Litanies

  • Litanies of peace, the fathers, the place, (waters, plants, or fruits), and the assemblies.

The Absolutions

  • These absolutions are read for the congregation to be absolved from their sins and to be sanctified before the beginning of the liturgy.
  • The absolutions sanctify us if we are coming to the church with repentance and we practice the mystery of confession.
  • At the end, the priest says the benediction and dismisses the congregation in peace if during vespers or he enters the sanctuary to continue the liturgy if during the morning raising of incense.

REVIEW - 10 Minutes

Suggestion 1 Review Questions:

  • What is symbolic about the priest opening the curtain of the sanctuary from left to right?
  • What do the five spoonfuls of incense that the priest puts inside the censer symbolize?
  • Why does the priest pray the Litany of the departed during Vespers?
  • How does the priest honor the Gospel?
  • What does raising incense before the Gospel symbolize?
  • What is significant about the priest going around the altar before the Gospel is read?
  • Why are the absolutions read?

Suggestion 2: Online tool - Kahoot, Jeopardy, etc.

APPLICATION (Action) - 10 Minutes

Read one or two of the litanies and describe why the church prays those litanies. Looking at each of the sections discussed, students are to select one or two and describe the purpose of the prayer and describe how and why the Censer is used during that prayer:

  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • The Litany of the Departed and Sick, and Travelers
  • Prayer of Efnoti Nai Nan
  • The Litany of the Gospel and the Gospel Reading
  • The Five Short Litanies
  • The Absolutions

CONCLUSION - 5 Minutes

The basic structure of Matins and Vespers are the same. The Litanies may vary, depending on whether the prayers are being said during the morning or evening.

ACTIVITY - 5 Minutes

On 6 different pieces of paper, write each part of Matins and number them 1-6. Scramble the order. (Make 2-3 sets or however large the class is). Place the students in groups and have them compete who can place the events in the right order the fastest.

(1. Thanksgiving Prayer, 2. The Litany, 3. The Prayer of Efnoti Nai Nan, 4. The Litany of Gospel & The Gospel Reading, 5. The Five Short Litanies, 6. The Absolutions)



Suggestion 1: Email parents the last resource which is a presentation showing the main parts of Matins. Encourage parents to have their child tell them what they learned about Matins, why the priest does certain things during the prayers, and what they symbolize.

Suggestion 2: Students are to create prayer cards. A prayer card is one in which students write down individuals needing prayer for certain things. For example, on one card, the student writes down those needing prayer for healing. Another card can be for those needing help with school and etc. They use the prayer cards during their daily prayer, but also during the Divine Liturgy. They can also request that the Priest place the prayer cards on the Holy Altar.