Bullying & Prejudice
The objective of the Morality module in 6th grade is to identify a few of the ways in which we may be conformed to this world and learn ways to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We conform to this world when we follow others. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds when we take a stand for what we know is right.
Memory Verse: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2)
Please review the previous week's lesson.
Materials: lemons
We are going to begin with an activity that shows students that despite our outward differences, we are often similar on the inside.
Activity: Gather a group of young children and give one lemon (can also use apples or potatoes) to each child. Then ask the children to "get to know your lemon." Children will examine their lemons -- smell them, touch them, throw them in the air, and roll them around. After a few minutes, collect the lemons in a big basket, and ask the children to find their lemons in the pile. Remarkably, most children will recognize their lemons at once. Some will even get protective of them.
Next, ask the children to describe how they recognized their lemons. "My lemon was big," one might say. "My lemon had a mark on one side." And another, "My lemon had dents and bruises." Then talk about how people, too, come in different sizes, different shapes, different shades of color, different "dents and bruises."
After exploring these ideas, collect the lemons again but this time peel the lemons before placing them in the basket. Then ask the children to again find their lemon. Presented with this quandary, children will usually exclaim, "But the lemons all look the same" This reaction opens the door to discussing how people, like lemons, are often similar on the inside.
This 15-minute activity can have a long-lasting effect, especially if children are reminded of the lesson in times of conflict.
Embedded in Content section below: Genesis 37:2-36 (Joseph's dreams & Joseph sold by his brothers)
Today we are going to talk about bullying. What does bullying mean?
- Bullying: Negative verbal or physical behavior that is done (a) directly to a person or personʼs property, (b) with the conscious intention of either upsetting the person or manipulating the personʼs behavior, which (c) God would not approve of.
Much of bullying starts at home with older sisters and brothers picking on a younger one. Today's world sees a lot of divorce and remarriage with children involved. Because of blended families and some of the insecure emotions feeding in from step-sibs and half- sibs, rivalries can flare up easily.
With the early descendants of Abraham that we're looking at today, blended family issues were due to one man having several wives.
Today, we are going to look at the story of Joseph's older brothers, who get the Biblical Bullying Award. This lesson on bullying that spawns from jealousy is a bit challenging, because it asks students to recognize jealousy in their own hearts and even bullying potential inside of themselves. Encourage them with the fact that God doesn't want to condemn---he just wants to help clean up. Recognizing JEALOUSY can prevent bitter feelings, which can lead to bullying.
Here's something that may surprise you: Bullies generally do not view their behavior as bullying. And often, like Joseph's siblings, they think they are "evening the score" or "taking back power that they rightfully deserve." They, and bullies of today, may be able to see and even admit to some bad behavior on their own parts, but if jealousy is at the root, bullying will feel strangely like justice. This is a very deceiving feeling that we can learn to recognize and, therefore, not give in to.
Let's look at Joseph's story and then see if we can identify some of our own behaviors that came to the surface in this story.
As a class, read Genesis 37:2-36 (Joseph's dreams & Joseph sold by his brothers)
DISCUSSION - 15 Minutes
Identifying Joseph's Brothers' Feelings
- What were Joseph's brothers jealous of?
- Was it a gift from one parent (the coat) or was it something bigger? (verses 3-4)
- Why did Joseph's dreams make his brothers feel insecure? (see verses 5-8)
Identifying Our Own Feelings
You might think that what happened to Joseph could not happen today because things were so different back then. Actually, if we look at the thoughts and feelings that the brothers may have had instead of the actions, we might be able to identify moments in our own life that we had similar thoughts and feelings.
We've all felt jealousy at times. Like Joseph's brothers, we may have even wished a sibling had never been born or lived somewhere else. You may not have siblings, or if you do, you may not experience sibling rivalry. If you don't, either think of a close friend or cousin, or help others in your group sort out their feelings about their siblings:
- Have you ever felt that your parents treated one of your siblings in a more privileged way? If so, which sibling? How did it make you feel?
- Did you ever want to get even with that sibling? If so, what did you do?
Identify Bullying That Starts With Jealousy
- There are boys and girls in school who are just naturally more gifted in a particular sport or activity. Do people treat them any differently? If so, how? What are people likely to say about them when they're not listening? Something bad or something good?
- Have you ever seen someone in school who comes from a very wealthy family and they live in a nice house...maybe with a pool or boats or things most families can't afford? What are people likely to say about a person like this when he or she isn't listening?
Both gossiping and bullying are attempts to "take away" from someone something that God either gave as a gift or allowed a person to have. If a kid is wealthy, naturally beautiful, or talented, other kids can feel some drive to make sure that he can't enjoy it.
Gossiping and Bullying
- Often, jealousy will not turn into bullying; it will simply remain at the gossip stages. What are some differences between gossiping and bullying? How are gossiping and bullying alike?
- Why is it often hard for kids to be happy for a child who has something they don't?
A bullying test:
- Have you ever found yourself saying mean things fairly consistently to a classmate or sibling because they deserved it? If so, what did the person do to deserve it?
- To check yourself, ask what the person did directly to you or to your property, with the conscious intention of upsetting you or manipulating you.
Sometimes the answer is a roundabout version of "Well, he or she isn't doing anything intentionally or directly to me, but still..." Surprise: You might be bullying If any feelings of jealousy were present, notice it
Fixing the Problem: Focusing on God's design for us instead
- God makes us all different. He also encourages us toward individual paths that will help us and others most in our world. Therefore he often gives us different experiences and different gifts.
- How are you different from your siblings in your personality?
- Why might God have given you the place in birth order that he did? How can your birth order help make you the person he intends you to be?
- Assertiveness training (Assertive definition: Showing confidence or boldness)
Please see the Hook section above.